Chapter 2 – MSI FM2-A85XMA-E35 User Manual
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Chapter 2
operate under the default number of cores. When set to [Manual], you wll be able to
enable/dsable the specfic CPU core.
AMD Turbo Core Technology
Ths technology automatcally ncreases the frequency of actve CPU cores to mprove
Adjust Max Turbo Core Rato
Ths tem s used to adjust Max Turbo Core rato
Adjusted Max Turbo Core Frequency
It shows the adjusted Max Turbo Core frequency. Read-only.
Adjust Turbo Core Rato
Ths tem s used to adjust Turbo Core rato.
Adjusted Turbo Core Frequency
It shows the adjusted Turbo Core frequency. Read-only.
Adjust GPU Engne Frequency
Ths tem s used to adjust the ntegrated graphcs frequency.
Adjusted GPU Engne Frequency
It shows the adjusted ntegrated graphcs frequency. Read-only.
DRAM Frequency
Ths tem allows you to adjust the DRAM frequency. Please note the overclockng
behavor s not guaranteed.
Adjusted DRAM Frequency
It shows the adjusted DRAM frequency. Read-only.
Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP)
Choose to apply an Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) to ncrease system performance.
When the Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) s enabled, the AMD Memory Profile
(AMP) wll be forced to be dsabled.
AMD Memory Profile (AMP)
Choose to apply an AMD Memory Profile (AMP) to ncrease system performance. When
AMD Memory Profile (AMP) s enabled, the Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) wll be
forced to be dsabled.
DRAM Tmng Mode
Select whether DRAM tmng s controlled by the SPD (Seral Presence Detect)
EEPROM on the DRAM module. Settng to [Auto] enables DRAM tmngs and the
followng “Advanced DRAM Configuraton” sub-menu to be determned by BIOS based
on the configuratons on the SPD. Selectng [Lnk] or [Unlnk] allows users to configure
the DRAM tmngs for each channel and the followng related “Advanced DRAM
Configuraton” sub-menu manually.
Advanced DRAM Configuraton
Command Rate
Ths settng controls the DRAM command rate.