Appendix c, Prerequisites – MSI H87-G43 User Manual
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Appendix C
Intel SBA
Supported Operating Systems
Intel SBA supports following OS:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and 32-bit
Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
Windows 8 PRO 64-bit and 32-bit
Required User Permissions
You must run the installer and the customization wizard with a user that has local
administrator permissions on the computer.
Windows Update Settings
In certain conditions, the Windows Update task in the PC Health Center application is
disabled and cannot be enabled. This can occur if Intel SBA is installed on a computer
where Windows Update was disabled during installation of the Windows operating
system. The Windows Update task is shown in the GUI but is grayed out (disabled).
Even if the end user enables Windows Update in the operating system, the PC Health
Center task cannot be enabled. This means that the end user cannot use PC Health
Center to manage Windows Update.
To prevent this, make sure that you do NOT select the Never check for updates option
when installing the Windows operating system.
Windows Task Scheduler
Some PC Health Center tasks are applications that can also be used directly from
the operating system and scheduled via the Windows Task Scheduler. When a task
is set via PC Health Center, an alarm clock is set that will wake up the computer if it
is turned off. Defining a scheduled time for an application/task outside of PC Health
Center does not set an alarm clock. This means that the computer will not be woken
up to do the task.
For this reason, it is NOT recommended to define schedules for these applications:
Windows Updates
Windows Backup and Restore
Disk defragmentation
Instead, let the end user set the schedule for all these tasks via PC Health Center.