Ovalizing ventinox – M&G DuraVent Ventinox® User Manual
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wear gloves and eye protection when
handling/cutting any liners.
essential, as it pulls the inner layer of steel
against the corrugated layer of FasNSeal Flex,
producing a clean cut across both layers.
3. Drill a 1/4" where the center of the
Universal Take-off will be located in the liner.
4. Position the rubber guard of the Circle
cutting guide into the 1/4" hole. See Figure 4
5. Turn on the Angle Grinder and begin
cutting the liner in a clockwise direction.
Keep the angle Grinder perpendicular to the
liner at all times. You do not need to apply
much pressure - let the drill bit do the cutting
for you. See Figure 5a, 5b, and 5c
Sizing a chimney system properly is an
important decision the installer must make
when bidding a job. It is often impossible
to insert round liners into chimneys with
rectangular shapes and still maintain the
proper cross sectional area to vent the
appliance and the required insulation
thickness around the liner. Ventinox liners
can be reshaped to feature oval or nearly
rectangular cross sections. Ventinox
distributors have the VOV612 Ovalizing
Machine at their locations and can
accomplish this task to your specifications.
Before ordering "ovalized" liners, refer to
Table A, and find the cross sectional areas
created when round liners are reshaped.
This is important for matching the venting
requirements of an appliance.
Table A shows the cross sectional areas in
square inches, when liners are ovalized from
round to 4"-11" on the minor dimensions.
Example: when a 9" VENTINOX liner is
ovalized so that its minor dimension
measures 6", the cross section area is reduced
from 65 sq. in to 53 sq. in.
Table B shows the major dimensions when
liners are ovalized from round to 4"-11" on
the minor dimensions. Example: When a 9"
when the outside diameter of any thing
walled liner is reduced beyond a certain
point, it tends to develop "crinkles" on
the major Od. The same is true when
ovalizing FasNSeal Flex and duraFlex Sw,
it only looks different: the inner layer may
begin to "pucker". See Figure 1. while this
does not reduce the structural stability
of the liner, you should be aware of this
Due to its smooth inner layer not being
mechanically fastened on the downward
side, traditional cutting methods are not
usually successful. By using an Angle Grinder,
a clean cut can easily be achieved.
1. Set up the 90o Angle Grinder with the
masonry wheel. Make a cut across the
liner's corrugations, first, then follow the
corrugations all the way around the liner. See
Figure 2a and 2b
While cutting, rotate the liner away from you
and with the direction of the wheel's rotation.
This method produces a nice, clean cut across
both layers of FasNSeal Flex and DuraFlex SW
greatly increases the lifetime of the Masonry
2. Set up the Angle Grinder with an Up-Cut
Mill bit and the Circle Cutting Guide. Set
the guide for the desired hole diameter. See
Figure 3a and 3b.
NOTE: The use of the Up-Cut Mill Bit is