HiVi Swans Multimedia User Manual

Page 4

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Swans T-200A Professional Multimedia Monitor System

When Swans decided to surpass the already successful M-200 active multimedia speaker system, we

knew we needed something very special. We wanted to push back the limits of conventional multimedia

sound and style to create a whole new reference standard. Following extensive research and the

development of a bold new look, the T-200A Professional Multimedia Monitor System was born.

The T-200A Professional Multimedia Monitor

S y s t e m i s n o t j u s t a n o t h e r m u l t i m e d i a

speaker. In fact, the T-200A is actually a

compact professional near-field monitor,

including audiophile engineering and on-

board two powerful mono amplification - just

connect it to a line - level source and play.

The T-200A has powerful, clean internal

a m p l i f i c a t i o n u n h e a r d o f i n m u l t i m e d i a

speaker systems - this professional - grade

active monitor speaker system works wonders

on the desktop too.

Incorporated in the T-200A are Swans' own

one-piece anodized 135mm/5.25" aluminum

- magnesium alloy woofer and 28mm/1.1"

Scandinavian - style fabric-dome tweeter.

Each of these exclusive high-end drivers are

m a d e b y S w a n s t o o u r o w n e x a c t i n g

specifications. Swans then lavished our best

design talents on perfecting the T-200A's

special sound, and the system exceeds even

our own high performance expectations.