Initiate your mobile tv business – Alcatel-Lucent Mobile TV User Manual
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Initiate Your Mobile TV Business
Alcatel-Lucent Unlimited Mobile TV Solution
Beyond providing the most effec -
tive technology options with the
Unlimited Mobile TV solution,
Alcatel-Lucent can also help you
kick-start your mobile TV business.
As your mobile TV partner, Alcatel-
Lucent works with you to develop
a complete understanding of your
market and your end users’ service
expec tations.
For example, the Alcatel-Lucent
Worldwide Lab (www.alcatel- conducts qualitative
research that sheds light on what end
users around the world expect from
new, personalized services. Recent
research conducted by The Lab
revealed the top five issues users have
with current mobile services and the
top five features users appreciate about
current services. With this and other
research, Alcatel-Lucent can provide
insight into what kind of mobile TV
service will work in your market, what
end users in your market will pay for
an enhanced service offer, and how
that offer should be positioned.
Acquire Licenses,
Build a Business Case
Once you know what kind of service
to introduce, we will work with you
to navigate through the various spec-
trum licenses required to operate your
mobile TV service.
We’ll help you build a business case
that ensures you meet all your business
objectives while keeping capital and
operational expenditures in line.
And we’ll also establish and initiate
ad-hoc partnerships and consor -
tiums with independent, technology-
agnostic third parties to make sure you
build your business based on the most
effective technologies for your market.
Mobile TV Memberships
Alcatel-Lucent is member of several
key industry bodies committed to the
success of mobile TV world wide,
includ ing the bmco forum (Germany),
the Forum de la Télévision Mobile
(France) and the Mobile Digital TV
Alliance (USA). Alcatel-Lucent rep-
resentatives also actively contribute to
the work of the DVB Project and of the
UMTS Forum and GSM Association
joint mobile TV Workgroup, of ETSI
and of OMA (Open Mobile Alliance).
Capitalize on
Our Market Knowledge
Alcatel-Lucent continuously performs
end user focus groups and studies in
order to design services that match
end user demands. This research
clearly indicates that end users are
waiting for, and are ready to pay for
a mobile TV offering that delivers
a large vari ety of choices, a high
level of person al ization, maximum
interactivity, and great quality of
service — everywhere.