Low voltage crush-proof hose – Air King CVS-11T User Manual
Page 8

lOw VOlTAge CrusH-PrOOF HOse
The “slimfit” style handle has 360° rotation to minimize kinks, effort, and in-hand weight.
For use with the turbine nozzle.
HoSe HandlinG:
Hold the hose and handle in any way you find to be the
most comfortable. With this new style handle, numerous
hand positions are offered and reduce strain and
increase ease of use.
Also, for added ease while vacuuming, try keeping the hose behind you rather than out
in front of you. Use one hand to hold the handle and the other hand to hold and guide the
hose. Again, do what feels comfortable to you.
TWo PoSiTion SWiTCH:
Allows vacuum to be controlled from the handle
• Vacuum off
• Vacuum on
make sure power is turned oFF before removing the hose and handle from the wand.
Arcing or damage to the electrical contacts can occur if the wand is removed while brush
power is on.
Hose end:
This universal style wall end is designed for compatibility with
all North American valves and inlests and fits the majority of
European inlets as well. The positive locator system prevents
rotationn of the wall end in the valve defeating the total control
switch in the handle.