Rivera Primo Grip Ace User Manual

Page 2

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terminal "L" on EP3S flasher relay.


Brown wire: Connect to the wire coming from the turn signal switch that
goes to the right turn signals or stock turn signal module. For custom
application connect the Brown wire directly to right turn signals.


Orange wire: Connect to the wire coming from the turn signal switch that
goes to the left turn signals or stock turn signal module. For


application connect the Orange wire directly to left turn signals.


Gray wire: Connect to the switched brake light wire


This is the opposite of

the 12 volt wire at brake light switch. This wire is only hot when
the brake light is on.

10. Green wire: Connect to the wire coming from the starter switch that goes to

starter relay. On customs connect this wire directly to starter relay.
some motorcycles use a negative signal from starter switch to
complete the circuit when pushed. Use a relay for this application. Don't
guess at this type of application. Know what the motorcycle requires before

11. Green/Yellow wire: Connect this wire to the wire coming from the horn

switch going to the horn. Note: Some horns use a negative-signal from the
horn switch. You must use a relay to activate these types of horn
applications. Do not guess, know before proceeding!

Note: On motorcycles with L.E.D rear marker/brake light/turn signal assembly the use of the
turn signal hold feature, activated by the brake light switch, may be annulled due to the fact
that L.E.D lights in the rear marker is always receiving voltage. When the brake light


activated the volt increases which causes the L.E.D.’s to get much brighter for braking. If the
Gray wire is connected to switched brake light lead, it may cause the turn signal to not self


To use the self canceling feature of Grip Ace system, do not connect Gray wire. On

motorcycles with stock self canceling turn signals, the Gray wire will not be used in this
application. For customs the use of load pack should not be needed for L.E.D turn signals if
using EP35 flasher relay. The maximum wattage that the Grip Ace system can run for
headlight power is 65 watts. If your headlight is 55/65 watts and your running/ fog lights are
30 watts, then that would be 125 watts totals. Use a relay for the additional 60 watts of the
running/fog lights.

1. Red……..………………12v
2. Black ………………….. Negative (Ground)
3. Yellow…………………..Headlight Power
4. Blue……………………. Low Beam Headlight
5. Violet……………………High Beam Headlight
6. White……………………Signal Power
7. Brown………………….. Right Turn Signal
8. Orange………………….Left Turn Signal
9. Gray……………………. Switched brake light lead
10. Green………………….. Starter


Green / Yellow Stripe… Horn