Edgecraft ScissorPro 500 User Manual
Page 5

4. During the sharpening process, you will be asked to feel for a burr on the scissors blade
in order to know when sharpening is complete. It is essential that you understand how this
is done.
Feeling for a burr involves running your finger carefully across (NOT ALONG) the back of the
blade as shown in Figure 5. A burr is a microscopic protrusion of metal produced during the
sharpening process under the edges of the blade that can be felt but is not always visible. It
will feel rough and jagged compared to the smooth finish of the back of the blade.
5. Your ScissorPro
will sharpen either right hand or left hand scissors without any need to
disassemble them. If you are left handed, you probably have purchased left hand scissors.
To sharpen right hand scissors, turn the sharpener so you face the switch side of the
(see Figure 6). To sharpen left hand scissors, you should face the opposite side
of the sharpener (see Figure 7). From this point onward, these instructions are written as they
apply to right hand scissors.
Before you turn on your ScissorPro
, take a minute to get the feel of the Magne-Flex
hold-down system and to learn how to insert a blade into the sharpener. Select a blade and
insert it—cutting edge first—under the fingers of the hold-down spring of the FINE sharpening
slot using the grip shown in Figure 6. If inserted correctly, the blade being sharpened is the top
blade, and the free blade will be hanging below the blade being sharpened.
Practice inserting the scissors blade under the hold-down spring, as close to the scissors
pivot as feels comfortable and pulling the blade smoothly toward you. Feel the effect of the
magnet and hold-down spring as they establish the sharpening angle for you. Light pressure
is required to slide the blade down the magnet slope and underneath the hold-down spring
as the blade approaches the diamond sharpening disk. Allow the Magne-Flex
system to control the sharpening angle for you. It is also important to prevent the free blade
(that is the one not being sharpened) from hitting the sharpener in a way that might influence
the sharpening angle. It is convenient to stabilize the free blade using your forefinger and
thumb as shown in Figure 6. Turn over the scissors and repeat with the other blade.
7. Generally, most scissors can be sharpened by using only the FINE stage (Figure 1). The highly
efficient diamond abrasive used in the ScissorPro
will quickly develop a superbly sharp edge.
The COARSE stage sharpens at a larger angle using somewhat large diamonds.
Figure 7. Suggested hold for left hand scissors.
Figure 6. Suggested hold for right hand scissors.