Save these instructions, For knife edge scissors, Suggestions – Edgecraft Chef's Choice 490 User Manual

Page 7

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Step 5. Hold the scissor blade tightly in your left hand and in good contact with the

guiding surface.

Steps 6 thru 11. Follow these steps of Section A above.

B.1 reAnGlinG tHe edGe OF stAndArd

leFt-HAnded scissOrs

Follow procedure of Section A-1 with the following exceptions:

Step 1. Hold the sharpener handle with your right hand.
Step 2. Follow Step 2 of Section A-1.
Step 3. The flat angle guiding surface of the gray angle guide must lean to your left – away

from the sharpener handle.

Steps 4 thru 10: Follow steps 4 thru 10 of Section A. Hold blade handle in your left hand.

Then reinstall the Fine abrasive diamond pad and the Red Angle Guide on the

sharpener and repeat Steps of Section B above.

FOr KniFe edGe scissOrs

IMPORTANT: Knife-edge scissors designed particularly for cutting heavy or multiple

fabric layers have one or both blades capable of cutting more like a knife.

NOTE: If you plan to sharpen your scissors and are uncertain whether the scissor blade is a

knife edge type, it is safe to assume it is knife edge and to proceed as described below. If the

blade is not knife edge type you will find that you cannot develop a burr in reasonable time.

In that event you probably have a pair of standard scissors. Then sharpen according to the

instructions for standard scissors on page 5. See not 3 on pages 2 & 3 for further information.


1. Use ONLY the Fine grit diamond pad and the White Angle Guide. Never use either of the

other angle guides or the coarse diamond pads for Knife Edge scissors. Take time to

identify each blade carefully.

2. Otherwise follow Step 4 and subsequent steps of Section A or Section B depending

on whether you have right handed or left handed knife-edge scissors. Most knife-edge

scissors are right handed.

3. Only the knife-edge scissor blade is sharpened by this special procedure. Commonly

only the cutter blade of this type scissor has the knife edge. Sharpening the other blade

(anvil blade) if it is conventional blade is optional or even unnecessary. If you elect

to sharpen the anvil blade, use the standard sharpening procedure of Section A or B

described above depending upon whether you have a right or left handed anvil blade.

4. Do not attempt to reangle knife edge scissors.



Your Chef’sChoice


Manual Sharpener Model 490 is designed to produce scissor edges

that are like new, quickly and easily. To insure that you get the very best scissor edges

every time, take time to correctly identify the type of scissors to be sharpened, and:

1. Always make certain that the flat face of the scissor blade is in intimate contact and

alignment with the guiding surface of the correct Angle Guide.