Sharpening procedures - general – Edgecraft Chef's Choice 480KS User Manual
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always visible. It will feel rough and jagged compared to the smooth finish on
the back of the blade.
5. The Model 480KS will sharpen either right hand or left hand scissors with-
out the need to disassemble them. If you are left handed you probably have
purchased left handed scissors*. To sharpen right hand scissors, hold the
wider, knife sharpener portion of the sharpener in your left hand. With left hand
scissors hold the sharpener in your right hand (See Figures 13 and 14). How-
ever, the orientation of the angle guide on the sharpener will remain the same
with either right or left handed scissors.
6. Before sharpening identify the type of scissor you have*. Unless you have
scissors designed for specialized applications, you will have either; (a) stan-
dard right handed scissors; (b) standard left handed scissors; or (c) knife edge
scissors (which can be either right or left handed). By far the most popular
scissor is standard right handed. Follow the appropriate instructions below
depending on the type of scissors you have.
* You can determine whether your scissors are right or left handed as follows: Open the
scissors and lay them on a table. If the cutting edge of the top blade faces to your right, the
scissors are right handed. If the cutting edge of the top blade faces to your left, the scissors
are left handed.
Sharpening prOcedureS - general
Regardless of the type of scissors, either of the two blades can be sharpened first.
Position the sharpener adjacent to the edge of a tabletop as shown in Figures
13 and 14. Put the appropriate grit diamond pad on the sharpener and slide on
the correct Angle Guide as described in the following sections. You will want to
securely hold the handle of the scissor blade being sharpened in your free hand
(right hand if you are sharpening right handed scissors) and press the inside
mating flat face of that scissor blade securely against the guiding surface of the
angle-guide as shown. Before you start sharpening, the flat face of the blade
should be in perfect contact with the
guide surface and the cutting edge of
that blade must be in good sliding con-
tact with the diamond coated abrasive
pad. The free blade should hang freely
below the table as illustrated.
With the correct Angle Guide (see
subsequent sections) set onto the
sharpener and the flat face of the scis-
sor blade positioned in good contact
with the guide surface move the blade
back and forth smoothly with its edge
in sliding contact with the abrasive pad
Figure 12: Carefully feel for a burr along
the entire back of the blade. Note arrow
for direction of finger movement when
in contact with blade.