Team Associated Rival Monster User Manual

Page 8

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:: Wiring Diagrams - (cont.)

:: Camber / Toe

:: Wiring Diagrams

Motor and Receiver Wiring:


If motor runs in reverse when you apply throttle,

unplug any two of the motor wires and switch them.


Your Receiver has multiple channel ports for plugs.

Channel 1 - you should always plug your steering

servo into this channel port.

Channel 2 - you should always plug your speed

control (ESC) into this channel port.

Channel 3 - Used for optional equipment such as

fans, lights, ect...

Batt - Used for optional receiver battery pack.

Not used in this model.

Negative black wires on steering servo and speed control

plugs should face the outside edge of receiver where

channel markers are located.

Front Camber Angle:

A good starting camber setting is –2 degrees (where the top of the tires lean inwards). Positive camber, where the top

of the tire is leaning out, is typically not recommended.

Front Toe-In:

Zero degree toe-in (tires pointing straight forward) is a good starting setting. You can increase steering into corners

by adding 1-2 degrees of toe-out (front of tires point slightly outward). Toe - in is not a typical tuning adjustment used.

Rear Camber:

A good starting camber setting is –2 degrees. Use #1719 camber gauge (not included) to set your camber. Adding a

small amount of positive camber, where the top of the tire is leaning out, will tend to improve straight-line acceleration on

loose tracks.