MEGUIAR'S D156 User Manual
Page 4

D156, Express Spray Wax (DX-93B)
Page: 4 of 12
8.2. Exposure controls
8.2.1. Engineering controls
Not applicable.
8.2.2. Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Eye/face protection
Eye protection not required.
Skin/hand protection
No chemical protective gloves are required.
Respiratory protection
Under normal use conditions, airborne exposures are not expected to be significant enough to require respiratory protection.
SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties
9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties
Physical state
Moderately sweet odour; Light, milky liquid
Odour threshold
No data available.
6.95 - 7.85
Boiling point/boiling range
100 ºC
Melting point
Not applicable.
Flammability (solid, gas)
Not applicable.
Explosive properties
Not classified
Oxidising properties
Not classified
Flash point
Not applicable.
Flash point
Flash point > 93 °C (200 °F)
Autoignition temperature
Not applicable.
Flammable Limits(LEL)
Not applicable.
Flammable Limits(UEL)
Not applicable.
Vapour pressure
No data available.
Relative density
1.00 [Ref Std:WATER=1]
Water solubility
Solubility- non-water
No data available.
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water
No data available.
Evaporation rate
No data available.
Vapour density
No data available.
Decomposition temperature
No data available.
No data available.
1 g/cm3
9.2. Other information
Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
0.0 % weight