MEGUIAR'S G1016 User Manual

Page 10

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G11, Smooth Surface Clay Bar: G11EU


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NUC - Silica


Gr. 3: Not classifiable

International Agency
for Research on Cancer



Gr. 3: Not classifiable

International Agency
for Research on Cancer

Global inventory status
Contact manufacturer for more information The components of this material are in compliance with the China "Measures on
Environmental Management of New Chemical Substance". Certain restrictions may apply. Contact the selling division for
additional information. The components of this material are in compliance with the provisions of the Korean Toxic Chemical
Control Law. Certain restrictions may apply. Contact the selling division for additional information. The components of this
material are in compliance with the provisions of Australia National Industrial Chemical Notification and Assessment
Scheme (NICNAS). Certain restrictions may apply. Contact the selling division for additional information. The components
of this material are in compliance with the provisions of Japan Chemical Substance Control Law. Certain restrictions may
apply. Contact the selling division for additional information. The components of this material are in compliance with the
provisions of Philippines RA 6969 requirements. Certain restrictions may apply. Contact the selling division for additional
information. The components of this product are in compliance with the new substance notification requirements of CEPA.
The components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TSCA.

15.2. Chemical Safety Assessment
Not applicable

SECTION 16: Other information

Revision information:
Revision Changes:
Section 15: Carcinogenicity information information was modified.
Section 3: Composition/ Information of ingredients table information was modified.
Section 12: Component ecotoxicity information information was modified.
Section 12: Persistence and Degradability information information was modified.
Section 12:Bioccumulative potential information information was modified.
Section 1: Address information was modified.
Copyright information was modified.
Section 8: Occupational exposure limit table information was modified.
Section 11: Acute Toxicity table information was modified.
Section 11: Carcinogenicity Table information was modified.
Section 11: Serious Eye Damage/Irritation Table information was modified.
Section 11: Germ Cell Mutagenicity Table information was modified.
Section 11: Skin Sensitization Table information was modified.
Section 11: Respiratory Sensitization Table information was modified.
Section 11: Reproductive Toxicity Table information was modified.
Section 11: Skin Corrosion/Irritation Table information was modified.
Section 11: Target Organs - Repeated Table information was modified.
Section 11: Target Organs - Single Table information was modified.
Section 5: Fire - Extinguishing media information information was modified.
Section 5: Fire - Advice for fire fighters information information was modified.
Section 8: Personal Protection - Eye information information was modified.
Section 8: Personal Protection - Skin/hand information information was modified.
Section 13: 13.1. Waste disposal note information was modified.
Section 13: Standard Phrase Category Waste GHS information was modified.
Label: CLP Classification - Header information was added.
Label: CLP Classification information was added.
Section 2: 2.2 & 2.3. CLP REGULATION heading information was added.
Not applicable information was added.
Not applicable information was added.

This manual is related to the following products: