MEGUIAR'S M09 User Manual
Page 13

M09, Swirl Remover (21-165A): M0901, M0916
Page: 13 of 15
No component test data available.
12.2. Persistence and degradability
No test data available.
12.3 : Bioaccumulative potential
No test data available.
12.4. Mobility in soil
Please contact manufacturer for more details
12.5. Results of the PBT and vPvB assessment
No information available at this time, contact manufacturer for more details
12.6. Other adverse effects
No information available.
SECTION 13: Disposal considerations
13.1 Waste treatment methods
See Section 11.1 Information on toxicological effects
Incinerate in a permitted waste incineration facility. Proper destruction may require the use of additional fuel during
incineration processes. Empty drums/barrels/containers used for transporting and handling hazardous chemicals (chemical
substances/mixtures/preparations classified as Hazardous as per applicable regulations) shall be considered, stored, treated &
disposed of as hazardous wastes unless otherwise defined by applicable waste regulations. Consult with the respective
regulating authorities to determine the available treatment and disposal facilities.
The coding of a waste stream is based on the application of the product by the consumer. Since this is out of the control of the
manufacturer, no waste code(s) for products after use will be provided. Please refer to the European Waste Code (EWC -
2000/532/CE and amendments) to assign the correct waste code to your waste stream. Ensure national and/or regional
regulations are complied with and always use a licensed waste contractor
EU waste code (product as sold)
Machining emulsions and solutions free of halogens
SECTION 14: Transportation information
ADR/IMDG/IATA: Not restricted for transport.
SECTION 15: Regulatory information
15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
Gr. 3: Not classifiable
International Agency
for Research on Cancer
Titanium dioxide
Grp. 2B: Possible human
International Agency
for Research on Cancer
Global inventory status
Contact manufacturer for more information The components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification