American Bicycle Security Company 301W-ECO User Manual
Bike-shell™ model 301w-eco, 25% recycled content

*For those wanting more
storage or room for 2-3
bikes in one locker we offer
the model 301W, same
width as our two door
versions but has door on
one end only.
Specify the 300 Series
lockers for the highest
customer satisfaction from
the no-assembly ready-to-
use delivery through years
of trouble free operation.
Architects, designers and
government agencies specify
the 300 Series due to the
high quality manufacturing
which means virtually no
installation costs!
●The 300 Series is the first
one piece locker available
that is not molded of soft
and flammable HDPE
plastic material.
●The construction of
fiberglass reinforced plastic
is highly resistant to impact,
stains and will not corrode.
●Designed after our very
popular 350 Series lockers
and available in 6 styles
providing flexibility for site
American Bicycle Security Company
P.O. Box 7359
Ventura, CA 93006
Ph: (800) 245-3723 or (805) 933-3688
Fax: (805) 933-1865
Email: [email protected]
Model 301W-ECO
NEW design, one piece FRP Composite bike locker
NO ASSEMBLY required
All lockers are shipped assembled and can be stand alone or
grouped – NO COMMON WALLS. Lockers easily relocated.
25% Recycled Content