Akai APC mini User Manual
Page 6

Faders: Normally, you can use these faders to control various parameters in Ableton
Live. You can use the right four Clip Stop Buttons (Volume, Pan, Send, Device) to put
the faders in Volume Mode, Pan Mode, Send Mode, or Device Mode.
Press and hold Shift and press one of the right four Clip Stop Buttons (Volume, Pan,
Send, Device) to put APC mini's Faders in the corresponding mode:
• Volume Mode: The eight faders will control the volume levels of the first eight tracks
in Ableton Live.
• Pan Mode: The eight faders will control the panning positions of the first eight
tracks in Ableton Live.
• Send Mode: The eight faders will control the levels of Send A for the first eight
tracks in Ableton Live. Repeat this action to set the faders to control the levels of
subsequent sends (e.g., Send B, Send C, etc.).
• Device Mode: The eight faders will control the eight Macro Controls of the current
device in Ableton Live.
Master Fader: Use this fader to control the Master track volume in Ableton Live.
Clip Buttons: While in Ableton Live's Session View, use these buttons in this 8x8 to
launch clips. Each Clip Button represents a single clip slot. The eight columns represent
eight tracks while the five rows represent five scenes. In Clip Launch Mode, the buttons'
LED colors represent the following:
• Off: Clip is empty.
• Amber: Clip is loaded but not playing.
• Green: Clip is loaded and playing.
• Red: Clip present and recording.
You can launch the entire scene by pressing the Scene Launch buttons to the right of
the row of clips.
Scene Launch Buttons: Normally, you can press one of these buttons to launch the
corresponding scene—represented by the row of eight Clip Buttons to its left.
Press and hold Shift and then press one of the top five buttons to change the function of
the Clip Stop Buttons, which can then stop, solo, record-arm, mute, or select their
corresponding tracks (see #3. Clip Stop Buttons above).
Press and hold Shift and then press the eighth (last) button (Stop All Clips) to stop all
clips when they reach the end.
Shift: Press and hold this button and then press a Scene Launch button to change the
function of the Clip Stop Buttons (see #3. Clip Stop Buttons above).
Press and hold this button and then press one of the left four Clip Stop Buttons (
, ,
, ) to shift the viewable 8x8 matrix of clips. In Ableton Live's Session View, this is
indicated by a red rectangle around the clips.
Press and hold Shift and press one of the right four Clip Stop Buttons (Volume, Pan,
Send, Device) to put APC mini's Faders in the corresponding mode (see #4. Faders