Music menu operation, Subwoofer reducer, Subwoofer lpf – Acesonic AM-898 User Manual

Page 14: Music balance

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Music Menu Operation

Subwoofer Reducer:

This function helps you reduce subwoofer volume when you are singing.
This dynamic comes handy when a singer has low vocal range.

S u b w o o f R e d u c e r

1 0

LED screen display:

Select “Subwoofer Reducer” from Music menu.
Use parameter buttons to adjust the level(1~20).

Subwoofer LPF:

The low-pass-filter range from 40 to 160Hz enable you to decide how
much the low frequency signal should be coming from the subwoofer, the
frequency above the setting will be filtered out. SW Volume can be adjust
gain from 1dB to 20dB. Also, the sub woofer volume is controlled by
master music volume knob.

Use Up/Down buttons
to find “Subwoofer Reducer”

Use Left/Right to
adjust the setting


LPF 100Hz


LED screen display:

Use Up/Down buttons
to find “Subwoof LPF”

Use Left/Right buttons
to adjust setting

Select “Subwoof LPF” from Music menu. Use parameter
buttons to adjust setting. Use SW vol to change the gain value.

Music Balance:

To djust the music volume(from -10dB to +10dB) for left & right channel.
It is handy for not rectangle space or special listening requests.

M u s i c B a l a n c e

+ 5

LED screen disply

Use Up/Down buttons
to find “Music Balance”

Use Left/Right buttons
to adjust value