Dynatek Dyna 2000i Programmable User Manual

Page 3

background image

Switch 4

Switch 5 Rev

Limit Application



6000 RPM

stock motor



6500 RPM

modified street motor



7000 RPM

race motor (most Harley valve trains don't like



7500 RPM

race motor to be revved this high)

Switch 6

Firing Mode


Dual Fire


Single Fire





The red status LED is used for verifying system operation and setting timing. When power is turned on, the LED
should blink for 1/4 second. If the pickup is near a firing point, the LED will blink, then stay on. This indicates the
unit has passed its self test.

If the status LED flashes rapidly when the engine is not running, an over-current or short circuit fault is indicated.
Check for proper coil resistance (2.5 to 3.5 ohms) and wiring. Correct the problem, then turn the ignition off for one
second, then back on to clear the fault.

As the engine is cranked over, the LED will blink indicating the pickups are generating timing pulses. The pickup is
designed such that the LED will come on at about 45 degrees before top dead center and go off at top dead center
for each cylinder. This corresponds to the leading edge of the window in the rotating cup (45 BTDC) and the
trailing edge (TDC).





Remove the timing inspection plug. With the bike in high gear turn the rear wheel to get the crankshaft to top dead
center on the compression stroke of the front cylinder (TDC mark aligned in the inspection hole). Removing the
spark plugs will make it easier to turn the crank.

Rotate the 2000i to cause the status LED to turn off and on. Carefully follow this next instruction: find the point
where the LED just turns off while rotating the base plate in a clockwise direction. Lock down the 2000i. The initial
timing is now set close to optimum. Final timing may be checked and set dynamically to compensate for normal
production tolerances in the timing rotor, camshaft indexing, flywheel marking, etc.

If the 2000i has to be rotated an extreme amount or does not have enough adjustment to bring the timing in, the
engine may be on its exhaust stroke. Remove the ignition and observe the timing rotor. The timing pickup (near the
switches) should be sitting in one of the windows with the ignition installed. The shorter distance to the other
window should be CLOCKWISE. If not, rotate the crankshaft 1 revolution and check again.






To set the 2000i timing dynamically (with the engine running), use the following procedure:


Set all switches to off and ground the VOES wire. This will cause the ignition to advance 35 degrees by 1500
rpm. Connect a timing light to the front cylinder plug wire.


Rev the engine above 1500 rpm. The full advance mark should come into view. This will verify the ignition is set
properly. Now reset the DIP switches for the mode you want to run.

Note! - when the switch settings are changed, the power to the module must be turned off and back on for the new
settings to take effect.