Arkon Channelmag User Manual

Page 7

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Chanel Mag
Section I Introduccion

The ChannelMag PM2 Series is suitable for full or partially full pipes from 20” to 120” (500 -
3000 mm). They meet or exceed the requirements of ISO 9213 and are calibrated in a long open
tank, believed to be the largest NIST traceable facility available. ChannelMags are calibrated in
accordance with ISO approved methods. Each ChannelMag system is normally supplied with a
NIST traceable Calibration Certificate.

Magnetic enhancement plates are fixed to and calibrated with the ChannelMag sensor(s). The
enhancement plates are custom made to the required diameter of the channel. Their purpose is to
determine the distribution pattern of magnetic flux on calibration in ARKON test laboratory and to
insure it is the same as the distribution on-site. In this way, the test calibration is the same as on-
site. The other function of the enhancement plates is to retain the ChannelMag sensors in place in
the pipe. They incorporate an expander mechanism which holds the sensor(s) firmly in place,
without the need of further fixtures or to cut holes in the pipe.

ChannelMag sensors generate a uniquely powerful magnetic field over the whole cross sectional
area of the pipe. They operate using Faraday’s Law, where a conductor moving in a magnetic field
induces a voltage, the amplitude of which is proportional to the velocity of the conductor. The
conductor is the media being measured. Large conical electrodes on the PM2 sensor measure the
voltage signal, which is the mean velocity “weighted” to account for the complete cross sectional
velocity profile. The signal is unaffected by media viscosity or density.

Volumetric flow in partially filled pipes is computed in the 4411e by multiplying level x mean
velocity. The level signal is linearized in the 4411e. Level is measured normally by a high
resolution pressure transducer, which is used under the ramps of the ChannelMag velocity sensor.
This has the advantage of being supplied with the PM2 sensor as a single unit, as well as being
virtually insensitive to froth on the surface of the media. However, an ultrasonic level transducer is
available, which must be mounted in a suitable manhole.

1.2 Scope:

ChannelMag PM2