DMC TSC-34/RU User Manual
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Document No. DER-S0017A
Rev.1.1 ©2008 DMC Co., Ltd.
TSC-34/RU User’s Guide
1. Product Overview
1-1. Products Applicable
This specification is applicable to TSC-34/RU.
1-2. Overview
TSC-34/RU is a touch screen controller board that performs an A/D conversion of an analog signal of a
4-wire resistive touch screen, and transmits the coordinate data to the host in a 10-bit resolution serial cor-
respondence at 9600bps and USB. TSC-34/RU can be used for various applications for its functions in-
cluding the power saving mode, seven sampling speed settings (max. 150p/s *1), two external switch
connections, and automatic calibration data loading with an external EEPROM.
§ TSC-34/RU
TSC-34/RU dispenses a need to newly design the peripheral circuits, and can easily
be used by connecting to the touch screen and the host. Using the driver software *2
enables the mouse emulation on various operation systems and dispenses the need
to newly design the controller software.
TSC-34/RU is the product compatible with software of the TSC-10 series.
*1: 150 transmissions of coordinate data per second.
*2: Please contact the local sales representatives for software availability.
TSC-34/RU is a succeeding model of the boards of the TSC-10 series. TSC-34/RU is lead-free and com-
pliant with RoHS.