Panasonic RPHC100 User Manual

Stereo headphones
Casque d'écoute stéréo
Cascos auriculares estéreo
Cuffia stereo
Operating Instructions
Mode d'emploi
Instrucciones de funcionamiento
Istruzioni per l'uso
Before connecting, operating or adjusting this prod-
uct, please read these instructions completely.
Please save this manual.
Avant de raccorder, faire fonctionner ou régler l’ap-
pareil, lire attentivement tout ce mode d’emploi.
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Anschließen, Inbetriebnehmen oder Einstellen die-
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recchio, leggere completamente queste istruzioni.
Conservare questo manuale.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
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Precautions for Listening with the Head-
•Do not play your headphones at a high volume.
Hearing experts advise against continuous ex-
tended play.
•If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce
volume or discontinue use.
•Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle.
It may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in many
•You should use extreme caution or temporarily
discontinue use in potentially hazardous situa-
Supplied accessories
Carrying pouch (RFX1689)
Names of the parts
The right side housing
Battery compartment lid
Operation lamp (OPR)
Power switch (OPR)
Inserting the battery
Place the earpad of the right side housing on your
palm and hold the hanger down with your thumb
(the battery compartment lid cannot be removed
unless the hanger is held firmly down). Push up
on the indent in the lid (
Insert an R03/LR03 (AAA, UM-4) battery (not in-
cluded) into the compartment. Be sure to match
the poles (+ and –).
Rest the lid on top of the compartment with the
thin end facing down.
Press down on the thick end of the lid and it will
click into place.
If rechargeable batteries are to be used, recharge-
able batteries manufactured by Panasonic are rec-
When to change the battery
The battery should be changed when the OPR lamp
fades or fails to light. The noise canceling function
becomes less effective as the battery wears down.
If the battery is worn down, or if a battery isn’t in-
serted at all, the unit acts like normal headphones.
Using the headphones
Turn down the volume on the audio equipment
and insert the headphone plug (3.5 mm ste-
reo mini) into the headphone jack.
Check the sides (L and R), then put the head-
phones on. Move the sliders up or down to
suit the housing position to your ears.
Start play on the audio unit and adjust its vol-
If noise canceling is required, move the OPR
switch, located on the right side housing, to
the ON position.
The OPR lamp lights.
Move the OPR switch to the OFF position if
noise canceling is not required.
The OPR lamp goes out.
The unit acts like normal headphones in this case.
Notes on use
The battery is used by the noise cancelling function
and, even without it, the unit functions as a normal
pair of headphones.
Noise may occur due to dirt on the plug. Clean the
plug with a soft dry cloth if this occurs.
To avoid product damage, do not expose this prod-
uct to rain, water or other liquids.
How to fold the headphones
Slide the headband down as far as possible.
Push the two sides together and up.
Driver units :
36 mm (1 - 7/16 in.)
Impedance :
Sensitivity :
103 dB/mW (OPR ON),
99 dB/mW (OPR OFF)
Frequency response :
8 Hz - 22 kHz
Power requirement :
DC 1.5V(R03/L03, AAA, UM-4)
Battery life :
20 hours (R03), 40 hours (LR03)
Cord :
1.5 m (4.9 ft.)
Plug :
3.5 mm (1/8 in.)
Mass :
175 g (6.2 oz.) (net),
145 g (5.1 oz.) (without battery and cord)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Mass and dimensions are approximate.
D i e s e F u n k t i o n r e d u z i e r t s t ö r e n d e
Umgebungsgeräusche, z.B. in Flugzeugen, Zügen
und Bussen oder das Betriebsgeräusch einer
K l i m a a n l a g e , u m e i n D r i t t e l , s o d a ß e i n e
angenehmerer Hörumgebung entsteht. Da es diese
Funktion ermöglicht, Musik mit geringerer Lautstärke
zu hören, trägt sie sehr wirksam dazu bei, eine
übermäßige Belastung des Gehörsinns zu verhindern.
Da die eingebaute Geräuschminderung dieses
Kopfhörers hauptsächlich Geräusche unterhalb von
1,5 kHz unterdrückt, bleiben Geräusche höherer
Frequenzen, z.B. Autohupen, läutende Telefone
und Stimmen, davon weitgehend unbeeinflußt.
Der Stecker dieses Kopfhörers paßt u.U. nicht in
die Kopfhörerbuchsen von Flugzeugen.
La función de anulación de ruido
Los ruidos ambientales en aviones, trenes y
autobuses, y los ruidos ocasionados por los
acondicionadores de aire son reducidos en un
tercio, ofreciendo así un ambiente de escucha
más silencioso.
Este función le permite disfrutar de la música sin
subir demasiado el volumen, y es, por lo tanto,
más benéfica para los oídos.
Esta unidad reduce principalmente los molestos
sonidos de baja frecuencia por debajo de 1500 Hz.
Por esta razón, los sonidos con partes de
frecuencia más alta, procedentes de las bocinas
de los automóviles, teléfonos y voces humanas,
se mantienen relativamente intactos.
La clavija de los auriculares podrá no encajar en
las tomas utilizadas en algunos aviones.
Funzione di soppressione del rumore
Il rumore nell'aereo, nel treno o nell'autobus, come
pure il rumore causato dal condizionatore d'aria,
vengono ridotti di un terzo creando un ambiente
di ascolto più tranquillo. Questa funzione consente
di ascoltare la musica senza alzare troppo il vol-
ume, per cui è più confortevole per le orecchie.
Questa unità riduce principalmente i fastidiosi
suoni di bassa frequenza al di sotto dei 1.500 Hz.
Perciò, il suono con componenti di frequenza più
alta, come il clacson dell'auto, il telefono e la voce
umana, rimane relativamente intatto.
La spina della cuffia potrebbe non essere adatta
alle prese di alcuni aerei.
The noise canceling function
Environmental noises in airplanes, trains, and
buses, and noise caused by air-conditioners is
reduced by a third, providing a quieter listening
environment. This function allows you to enjoy
music without raising the volume too high, and is,
therefore, kinder to your ears.
This unit mainly reduces the annoying low fre-
quency sounds below 1500 Hz. For this reason,
sounds with higher frequency portions, from car
horns, telephones and human voices, remain rela-
tively intact.
The headphone plug may not suit the jacks used
on some aircraft.
Fonction d'annulation du bruit
Le bruit ambiant dans les avions, les trains et les
bus et le bruit causé par les climatiseurs est réduit
d'un tiers, ce qui recrée un environnement
d'écoute silencieux. Cette fonction permet
d'écouter de la musique sans régler le volume trop
haut, ce qui protège les oreilles.
L'appareil réduit essentiellement les sons gênants
de basse fréquence en-dessous de 1 500 Hz. Ceci
explique que les sons renfermant des passages
à haute fréquence, des klaxons de voiture aux
téléphones et aux voix humaines, restent
relativement intacts.
La fiche de casque ne s'adapte pas aux prises de
tous les avions.