Ashly DLM-821 User Manual
Page 7

Operating Manual - DLM-821 Stereo Ducking Line/Microphone Mixer
7.1 Small Sound Reinforcement System
In the setup shown here, the DLM-821 is used to mix typical sound sources that might be found in a small
club, school theater or similar environment. INPUT channels 1 & 2 are used for microphones for live vocal or instru-
mental pickup. INPUT channels 3-8 are used for the output of electronic music devices such as keyboards, MIDI
sound modules, drum machines, etc. The power amplifier (or any additional graphic equalizers or electronic cross-
overs which may be used) is fed from the MAIN OUTPUT connectors.
7.2 Church, School Or Meeting Room Sound System:
Here the DLM-821 is used to mix sources typically found in a church, classroom, or meeting room. The
channel 2-4 inputs are used for microphones for live vocal or instrumental pickup. Channel 1 is fed by an alarm signal
which will have priority and fully attenuate all other inputs if it is receiving an input signal. Channels 1 through 4 will
have their Stereo/Mono switch pushed in. The remaining INPUT channels are used for audio outputs from video/DVD
players, cassette deck, CD player, computer sound card, etc. One input channel is reserved as a spare. The power
amplifier (or any additional equalizer or electronic crossover which may be used) is fed from the MAIN OUTPUT
connectors. The Mono output is connected into the wall mic jack to feed the mix into the building's main PA system.
Here the Mono Output selector
switch should be pushed in
for a mic-level signal.
On Ch. 2 - 4
(Mono Switch In)
Left and Right
DVD/CD Player
Videotape Audio
Power Amplifier
Laptop Audio
Alarm or
Priority Override
Audio Source
(Mono Switched In)
Mono Output to
Wall Mic Input
for Secondary PA
(Set Mono Output
to Mic level)
On Ch. 1 and 2
(Mono Switch In)
Stereo Keyboard Input
On Ch. 3
Left and Right
Stereo Drum Machine
Inputs On Ch. 4
DVD/CD Player
Midi Sound Module
Power Amplifier
Cassette Tape