English – Atlantis Land WEBRUNNER USB A01-PU2 User Manual

Page 21

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Next to proceed. Windows will prompt that it has located the driver. Click
Next. Click Finish to to complete driver installation.

Windows 98

If your modem is connected as illustrated in section 1.5, you will be
prompted for the modem driver. Place the Installation CD into your
CDRom Drive and click Next. Click the option Search for the best driver
for your
device (Recommended) and Click Next.
Click Specify a location. Click Browse. Navigate to the
'CDRom\Driver\Win98SE' folder on the Installation CD and click OK. Click
Next to proceed. Windows will prompt that it has located the driver. Click
Next. Click Finish to to complete driver installation.
Depending on your system configurations you may be prompted for your
Windows 98 CDRom. Replace the installation CD with your Windows 98
CDRom and click OK. At the copying files dialog box, enter the path of your
windows CDRom (e.g. D:\Win98) and click OK.

1.7 Verifying Your Modem

From your Windows desktop, right-click on My Computer icon and
click Properties.

Click on the Hardware tab and then click Device Manager.

Double-click on the Modem device. You should see the SmartUSB56
is being listed. This means that your modem driver is
successfully installed. If you see a yellow exclamation mark besides
SmartUSB56 Modem, it means that your driver is not installed
successfully. Right-click on the device and then uninstall the modem.
Restart the system and then install your modem driver again.