Aphex Systems 320A User Manual

Page 19

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Page 19

6.13 Hard Disk Recording
Transferring music to hard disk can be improved using a Model 320D. It is a known fact that
CD’s are mastered at varying average levels with some strikingly lower or higher in volume
level than others. When building a broadcast or webcast music library on a hard disk audio
server, it would be nice to have a way to even out those levels so the on-air segues will always
be smooth and fat. The Compellor can do that without adding artifacts across the whole inven-
tory of titles. Simply transfer each title through the Compellor’s digital I/O port. Alternatively,
if you cannot re-record an existing library, you can place a Model 320D at the output of the
audio server. It will automatically ride gain for you and serve up neatly packaged audio perfect
for the on-air mix and subsequent broadcast audio processing.