Altec Lansing SA1 User Manual
Ipod, Shuffle adapter for inmotion speakers, E a s y

Master Carton Quantity:
Master Carton Dimensions:
9.7” (W) x 6.4” (D) x 10.2” (H)
247mm (W) x 162mm (D) x
258mm (H)
Display Carton Dimensions:
5.9” (W) x 1.8” (D) x 7.9” (H)
150mm (W) x 45mm (D) x
201mm (H)
Master Carton Weight:
1.74 lbs (0.8 kg)
Display Carton Weight:
0.3 lbs (0.14 kg)
*The SA1 is not compatible with the inMotion iMmini
portable speaker system.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
1-year limited warranty (2 years in Europe and Asia;
see inside for details.)
Patents pending.
©2005 Altec Lansing Technologies, Inc.
Altec, Altec Lansing, inMotion, and
the Altec Lansing inMotion logo, are
registered trademarks or trademarks
of Altec Lansing.
iPod is a trademark of
Apple Computer, Inc., registered
in the U.S. and other countries.
All other trademarks appearing
herein are the property of their
respective owners.
535 Rte. 6 & 209,
Milford, PA 18337-0277, USA
Tel: 800-ALTEC-88 • 570-296-4434
Fax 570-296-6887
13 Rue Beaumont,
L-1219 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Tel: +352 26 15 76 36
Fax: +352 26 15 76 26
25 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2735-7331 • Fax (852) 2730-7748
Designed by Altec Lansing in USA. Made in China.
w w w . a l t e c l a n s i n g . c o m / i n m o t i o n
adapter for
inMotion speakers
• Fits all made-for-iPod inMotion speakers
• Easy to use
(iPod shuffle and inMotion system sold separately)
E a s y
The SA1 adapter allows you to dock your iPod shuffle
on any made-for-iPod inMotion speaker system, delivering
high quality, crystal-clear sound.
C h a r g e
With the SA1 adapter and inMotion, your iPod shuffle can
get a fresh charge when away from your computer.
S y n c
Use the SA1 with the inMotion iMplus, iM3, iM5 or iM11 to
sync your iPod shuffle with your computer.
Made for:
• iPod shuffle
Made for:
• iPod shuffle
Altec Lansing
inMotion mobile audio. small package...
Big, Big Sound!
Made for:
• iPod shuffle
Made for:
• iPod shuffle