Sony LF-X1 User Manual
Page 6

A: You can use a wireless Ethernet converter. Sony has three types of wireless Ethernet
converters (optional, PCWA-DE30, PCWA-DE50, PCWA-DE80) and you can connect the
wireless Ethernet converter into the Ethernet port of the Base Station.
The vast majority of web sites are viewable using LocationFree TV; however, some websites
require plug-ins or other software that may not be supported. LocationFree TV currently supports
HTML 4.0, HXTML Basic 1.0, JavaScript, SSL, Java Applet (PJAE 1.2), Macromedia Flash 6.0, and
pdf viewer. LocationFree TV does not support ISP’s that requires proprietary software, such as
AOL, United Online and Walmart. Please check with your provider.
Q: I just have a dial up ISP. Can I access the Internet using my LocationFree™ TV?
A: Yes you can. You need to buy a Dual PC Modem such as the one manufactured by
Actiontec, which will allow you to connect over a modem. However, please note that
LocationFree™ TV does not support ISP’s that require proprietary software, such as
AOL, CompuServe,, Walmart Connect, Juno and NetZero
Also, please note that because of the narrow bandwidth of dial up, you won’t be able to
enjoy AV content over NetAV
Q: Can I access AOL Broadband?
A: Yes. But you won’t be able to use some of AOL unique features, which require
proprietary software.
Q: I’m having a difficult time connecting to the Internet. What do you supposed the problem
A: First, check to see if the “INTERNET” indicator on the Base Station is lit.
When not lit (Any type of connection):
o Make sure you have selected the correct connection type for your setup.
o Check the Base Station settings under the Internet connection setting.
When not lit (LAN connection):
o Make sure the LAN cable is securely connected.
o Make sure you are using the correct type of LAN cable (straight wired or
cross-wired) for your setup.
o To find the cable type you need, see the operating instructions for the device
you want to connect or contact your ISP.
o Your Internet service contract may only allow one device to connect to the
Internet at a time if so, make sure no other device is already online.
When not lit (DSL connection):
o Make sure the DSL port and the TEL (telephone) port on the splitter are
connected correctly.
o Refer to the operating instructions of the DSL modem to confirm that the
DSL modem indicators are properly illuminated.
Q: I’m trying to connect to the web server but keep getting a message that states “Cannot
connect to the web server.” What can I do to solve my problem?
A: There are several possible solutions to your problem: