Rocketchip, Warranty – Bits & Pieces Technology RocketChip User Manual
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F i l e n a m e s ( C o n t i n u e d )
(1) APPLE.SLOT7—1 (Apple speed of 1MHZ for selected slot)
(1) ROCKET.SLOT7—1 (RocketChip speed for selected slot)
(2) CACHE.SLOT7—1 (Accelerate Peripheral card ROM:$Cn00—$CnFF)
(2) CACHE.EXP.ROM7-l (Accelerate Expansion ROM: $C800-$CFFF)
(2) NOCACHE.SLOT7—l (NO ROMS or cannot accelerate slot ROMs)
N o t e s f o r P r O D O S : ( 1 ) Dir
6 . 0
R o c k e t C h i p
W a r r a n t y
6 . 1 . B i t s £ P i e c e s T e c h n o l o g y , I n c .
R o c k e t C h i p
W a r r a n t y
Bits & Pieces Technology, Inc. (hereafter referred to as EPT Inc.)
warrants RocketChip to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for
a period of ONE YEAR from the date of original purchase. BPT Inc., at its
option, will repair or replace a defective part during the warranty period.
BPT Inc. will not assume any responsibility for damage due to improper
installation or handling by the purchaser. BPT Inc. makes no warranties,
either express or implied, regarding the enclosed product, its merchantability
or its fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall BPT Inc. be
liable for any loss of profits, loss of use of facilities or equipment, or
other indirect, incidental or consequential damages. The exclusion of implied
warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply
to you. This warranty provides you with specific legal rights. There may be
other rights that you may have which vary from state to state.
If your RocketChip proves to be defective, please contact your local
dealer for a replacement or contact BPT Inc. Any defective product returned to
BPT Inc. must be shipped prepaid and accompanied by a Return Materials
Authorization (RMA) . To obtain a RMA number, please call our Customer Service
Department at: (818) 706—7932 [9am to 5pm PST]
6 . 2
A p p l e C o m p u t e r , I n c . C o p y r i g h t s a n d D i s c l a i m e r o f W a r r a n t y
ProDOS and DOS 3.3 are copyrighted programs of Apple Computer, Inc.
licensed to BPT Inc. to distribute for use only in combination with BPT Inc.
Configuration Program. Apple Software shall not be copied onto another
diskette (except for archive purposes) or into memory unless as a part of the
execution of BPT Inc. Configuration Program. When the software has completed
execution, Apple Software shall not be used by any other program
Apple Computer, Inc. makes no warranties, either express or implied,
regarding the enclosed computer software package, its merchantability or its
fitness for any particular purpose. The exclusion of implied warranties is not
permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you. This
warranty provides you with specific legal rights. There may be other rights
that you may have which vary from state to state.