Multitasker – Altinex MT101-117 User Manual
Page 20

37. {CLRK}
This command clears the subroutines
associated with one or all the keys by setting
each to 000.
Other key settings remain
unchanged: labels, volume control, and locked.
Command Format: {CLRKn}
Kn = Key # (n = # from 1 to 36, * for all)
: Clear Key 33 programming
: Clear all 36 key programs
38. {LOCK}
This command locks one key or all keys and can
be used to prevent accidental changes from the
front panel.
Command Format: {LOCKn}
Kn = Key # (n = # from 1 to 36, * for all)
Example 1: Lock Key 1
Send the command {LOCK1} to locks Key 1
only. This command will not affect any other
Example 2: Lock ALL keys
The command {LOCK*} locks all the keys.
This will lock the user out of any
front panel control. The lockout can be corrected
using RS-232 control or by programming an
unlock function into SUB1 and then resetting
Example 3: Lock ALL keys (except one)
The commands {LOCK*} and {UNLK2} will lock
all the keys and then unlock Key 2. Key 2 may
then be used to unlock all the keys.
NOTE: Use the {RDK} command to check the
locked/unlocked status of the keys.
39. {UNLK} or {UNLOCK}
This command will unlock one key or all keys.
Command Format: {UNLKn} or {UNLOCKn}
= Key # (n = # from 1 to 36, * for all)
Example 1:
The command {UNLK1} unlocks Key 1 only. No
other keys are affected.
NOTE: Use the {RDK} command to check the
status of locked or unlocked keys.
40. {KEY}
This command simulates a key press through
RS-232 control and is useful when verifying key
programs and subroutines.
Command Format: {KEYn}
= Key # (n = # from 1 to 36)
The command {KEY36} simulates pressing
Key 36. The simulation will perform the correct
subroutine depending upon the state of the LED.
41. {KFB}
This command is used to enable or disable key
feedback on the RS-232 bus.
Command Format: {KFB=n}
= 1 to Enable key feedback
= 0 to Disable key feedback
Feedback Format: KnxSy
Kn = Key # (n = # from 1 to 36)
= Key state when pressed
N = LED was OFF
O = LED was ON
F = LED was Flashing
H = Key was pressed and held for 2.5s
R = Key was pressed and held for 2.5s
during power-up
Subroutine number performed after
pressing key (y = # from 1 to 180)
Key 1’s LED is on and Key 36’s LED is off.
Key 1 is programmed to execute SUB10 when
pressed with the LED on (State 2) and Key 36 is
programmed to execute SUB36 when the LED
is off (State 1).