Aqua-Vu Depth-Tech none User Manual

Page 6

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1. VIEWING AN IMAGE. Locate the ON-OFF-ON/LIGHT switch at the right end of
the control line-up. Turn the switch to the ON position. Look at the monitor screen. You
should see an image. Slowly move the camera, pointing it towards room furniture, your
dog, or even your feet. You should see a "live" image!

ON-OFF-ON/LIGHT switch to ON/LIGHT. Look at the face of the camera. You should see
bright green and red lights. An image of whatever the camera "sees" - your face or the
living room wall - should appear on the monitor.

(Note: Use the ON/LIGHT position to activate the DT's multi-color light source for viewing
in low-light conditions.)

If you fail to see an image on the monitor while conducting these tests,
see the Troubleshooting section of this manual.

To experience your Aqua-Vu DT's Temp-Tech and Direct-Tech features for water
temperature and camera directional readings, use the MODE and FUNCTION buttons
located below the handle on the Carrying Shuttle (while unit is turned on). See
appropriate sections in this manual: Mode and Function buttons,Direct-Tech Feature:
Knowing Camera Direction, and Temp-Tech Feature: Knowing Water Temperature.


Underwater video cameras may be lowered into the water from breakwaters, docks, and
fishing piers, as well as from anchored boats and pontoons. Innovative bank fishermen
use them, too. Much of the open-water viewing by anglers is done from boats while drift-
ing or slow-trolling on lakes, or from boats dealing with stream current. For best control
of the camera in most open-water situations, use the Ballast Weights and Front-viewing
Fin included with your Aqua-Vu DT.

1. Line up the predrilled holes of the ballast weights with those on the camera's
underside. Attach the Ballast Weights to the camera by means of the two steel bolts and
two nylon lock nuts.

2. Locate the two predrilled holes at the rear of the camera and use the two nylon screws
and two nylon lock nuts to attach the Front-viewing Fin.(The Front-viewing Fin helps
maintain a forward looking viewing posture as the
camera moves through the water.)

When attaching weights and fin to the camera, notice that the holes match, but with a
"tight fit" to prevent accidental loss. The nylon lock nuts require tightening with a pliers.
Note: We recommend removing weights and fin for ice fishing.

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