American Audio VersaPort User Manual
Page 4

Customer Support:
American Audio
provides a toll free customer support line, to provide set up help and answer
any question should you encounter problems during your initial set up or operation. You may also
visit us on the web at for any comments or suggestions. Service Hours
are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
(800) 322-6337
(323) 582-2610
Weight: 0.55 lbs./ 0.25 kgs.
Size: 4.52” x 4.92” x 1.57”
LINE Playback:
Signal to Noise Ratio:
Distortion Ratio:
<0.05 %
Channel Seperation:
Frequency Response:
20Hz-20kHz -1+2.5dB
Signal to Noise Ratio:
Distortion Ratio:
<0.07 %
Frequency Response:
30Hz-18kHz -1+2.0dB
LINE Record:
Signal to Noise Ratio:
Distortion Ratio:
<0.05 %
Channel Seperation:
Frequency Response:
20Hz-20kHz -1+2.5dB
PHONO Record:
Signal to Noise Ratio:
Distortion Ratio:
<0.05 %
Channel Seperation:
Frequency Response:
20Hz-20kHz -1+2.5dB
MIC Record:
Signal to Noise Ratio:
Distortion Ratio:
<0.1 %
Frequency Response:
30Hz-18kHz -1+2.0dB
sYsTeM reQUIreMenTs (Pc):
os: Microsoft Windows 98/ 98SE/
ME/2000/ XP/Vista
computer: Windows Compatible with
USB Connection
cPU: Pentium II Processor 233 MHz or
Higher (win98/ SE/ ME)
Pentium II Processor 400 MHz or
Higher (win2000)
Memory (rAM): 64MB or more
Hard disk: 120MB or more
800x600 or higher/ 65,536
colors (16 bit High Color) or
sYsTeM reQUIreMenTs (Mac):
os: MacOS 9.2 or Later, Mac OSX
computer: Apple Macintosh Series with
USB Connection
cPU: PowerPC G3 or higher
Memory (rAM): 96MB or more
(Application memory
32MB or higher)
Hard Disk:
120MB or more
800x600 or higher
recoMMended soFTwAre
windows: MME, MS DirectSound,
Steinberg ASIO & Audition
Macintosh: Garage Band, Audio Hijack
PRO (OSX, & Sound Manager (OS9)