Atmel ATA6286 User Manual
Page 3

Ultra Low-Power Microcontroller Transmitter
ICs ATA6285/ATA6286 for Sensor Gauges
Transparent RF Receiver ICs ATA5745/ATA5746
for Combined RKE/TPMS Car Modules
Transmitter ICs ATA5756/ATA5757
LF Receiver IC ATA5283
LF Antenna Driver IC ATA5276
Highly Flexible RF Transmitter IC ATA5749
for Single Board Design
Cutting Edge for Sleep Mode Current: 1.2 µA at
85ºC with Active Interval Timer
ATA6285: 315 MHz, ATA6286: 433 MHz
8 Kbytes In-system Self-programmable Flash
and 320 Bytes EEPROM
Lowest Current Consumption (0.6 µA Sleep
Mode, 200 µA Measurement Mode)
Integrates the Transmitter IC ATA5756/ATA5757
with a Dedicated 8-bit AVR Flash Microcontroller
Providing Capacitive Sensor Interface, LF Chan-
nel, Temperature Sensor, and 90-kHz Slow-os-
cillation Mode
QFN32 Package (5 mm × 5 mm)
ATA5745: 433 MHz, ATA5746: 315 MHz
Extremely Fast Switching Rate Between RKE
and TPMS Signals: <1 ms (Typically)
High System Sensitivity and Selectivity Can Be
Achieved Even with a Low Number of External
Polling Mode and Bit Check Carried Out by Exter-
nal Firmware
ATA5756: 315 MHz (North America), ATA5757:
433 MHz (Europe) and 448 MHz (Korea)
Settling Time <0.85 ms Typically and Reduced Ac-
tive Current Consumption for Extended Lifetime
3-Wire Bus Interface
World’s Smallest Standalone LF Receiver IC for
125ºC/257ºF Systems (TSSOP8 Package)
Ultra Low Current Consumption (1.3 µA in Listen-
ing Mode with Sensitivity of 1 mV (Typically)
Built-in Digital AGC to Amplify Input Signal from
the Coil
Antenna Driver for 125-kHz Operation
Frequency Self-tuning to the LF Antenna Reso-
nance Frequency
Built-in Diagnosis Function
Operation Temp –40ºC/F to +105ºC/221ºF
315/433 MHz Operation in ASK/FSK Modula-
tion with Single 13 MHz Crystal
Fully Integrated Fractional –N PLL
–0.5 dBm to 12.5 dBm Scalable Using Output
Power Programming
Active Current Consumption 7.3 mA at 5.5 dBm
RF Frequency Channelling
Data Rate up to 40 Kb/s (Manchester)
Very Fast Crystal Oscillation Start-up Time
(200 µm)
Supply Voltage 1.9 to 3.6V