AB Soft ClassPad 101 User Manual
Page 11

ClassPad 101 Lesson 2 CASIO COPYRIGHT
2011 Author: Diane Whitfield
CASIO MRD Center, Portland, Oregon, USA
Practice Exercises
1. Open the Main application and select Edit/Clear All. Notice the status
bar changed to show all modes again (no longer in Bin mode). This is a
good thing!
2. A flea traveled 3.76 yards on the first day of its journey, 2.57 yards on
the second and 1.99 yards on the last day. Using the Main application,
calculate the total distance traveled.
3. To the nearest tenth, how far did the flea travel? Hint: Change your mode
setting to Fix 1 and re-execute line one to display a decimal.
4. Get a screen capture and paste it into your Lesson2 document (under a
title of PART III).
5. Complex number and real number results are sometimes different.
“Complex” numbers occur when there is a negative under a square root.
6. Using 2D math, try to evaluate
. We get an error because
undefined in the real mode (notice Real shows in your status bar). If
square roots are new to you, be patient, you will learn about them
someday. For now, just experiment with the ClassPad.
7. Click Real in the status bar to toggle to Cplx or open the Basic Format
dialog box and check the box for Complex Format. Re-evaluate
. So,
you see
is often called the imaginary unit. “imaginary” in this
sense does NOT mean non-existent; it means not a real number (not on
the real number line).]
8. Get a screen capture. Please add two blank spaces following the first
screen capture and then paste this one.
9. Ok, time to explore the soft keyboard. Try to find two music note symbols
within the soft keyboard (they look like:
[Hint: You will find them by looking in one of the pages that appear when
you click a lower button on the abc page! Remember to click the back
arrow button to get back and the down arrows on the right to see more of
a page.]
10. Click the symbols when you find them so that they show in your window.
Get a screen capture. Add two blank spaces following the second screen
capture and then paste this one.