Avid Technology P2 User Manual

Page 5

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To output your work on tape via HDSDI to an VTR such as D5 or HDCAM:

* Note: Make sure the HD VTR is correctly installed and available in Media Composer beforehand.

The process to deliver an SD master (over SDI component or composite) is similar to the above, but it will be highly dependent on the
acquisition frame rate and format you chose at the shooting stage.

If the frame rate and format you are using have and SD counterpart:

Check out all the Avid and P2 resources available at

Step 1.

Transcode the
sequence to
Avid DNxHD

Connect Avid
to your Mac
or PC

Select the sequence
you wish to output

Ensure the video
quality is set to
full green mode

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Step 6.

Step 7.

Step 8.

Go to the main
“Clip” menu

/ Transcode”

At the Consolidate
/ Transcode
dialog, choose

“Video and
Audio on
same drives”

Step 9.

Choose the
Drive, Avid Unity
or network
location on
which you wish
to store the
new DNxHD


Choose “Create
New Sequences”
if you want to retain
a copy of your
original sequence
that remains linked
to the original
P2 media

Choose the
Avid DNxHD
resolution you
want to create

Step 10.

Step 11.

Step 12.

Step 13.

Step 14.

When the transcode
procedure is
complete; with
the newly created
sequence selected
go to the main
“Output” menu

“Digital Cut”


The Digital Cut will take
place over Baseband HDSDI

Step 1.

First use the
“Format” tab to
select the SD format
of the project

Transcode and
Output as

Step 2.

P2 Step By Step Reference Guide

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