Avital AVISTART 6501 User Manual

Page 11

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User-Programmable Siren Duration

Upon activation, the siren can be programmed to run for 30 or 60 seconds
before it will shut off and instantly rearm. ( See the "Programming Table for
System Features" on page 15.)

Alarm State Memory

If your vehicle battery is disconnected and later reconnected, the system will
automatically return to its last state before power was removed, whether it was
armed, disarmed or in a valet mode. For example, if a mechanic disconnects
the battery while the alarm is disarmed or in a valet mode, he won't trigger the
alarm when he reconnects the battery. If a thief removes power while the
alarm is armed, and reconnects it, the alarm will instantly sound, the parking
lights will flash and the starter will be disabled.

Automatic Malfunction Override

In the event of a faulty sensor or alarm input trigger zone, the alarm, when
remotely armed, will alert you by a series of chirps and parking light flashes.

How to Interpret the Chirps and Parking Light Flashes
When you press the remote control buttons, the system will respond with
chirps and flashes of the parking lights to indicate the system status. An
explanation of these chirp/flash acknowledgments is listed below and on the
following page.

Number of chirps and flashes


1 chirp, 1 flash

Disarming of the alarm.

2 chirps, 2 flashes

Arming of the alarm.

2 chirps and flashes, then 3 more chirps

and flashes

Armed and a door is ajar.

2 chirps and flashes, then 4 more chirps

and flashes

Armed and there is a sensor malfunction

(automatically bypassed).

3 chirps, 3 flashes

Disarmed and there was an intrusion attempt.

4 chirps, 4 flashes

Armed and there is a trigger malfunction

(automatically bypassed).

0 chirps, 1 flash

Remote start attempt and a fault was detected.

0 chirps, 2 flashes

Remote start attempt and all zones are OK. The

vehicle will start.


AviStart 6501 Owner's Manual - 0999