3 substitution terms for lcd monitor with warranty, 1 tft technology – Atlantis Land I-See S 150 User Manual

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3 Substitution Terms for Lcd Monitor

with warranty

This document indicates terms within Atlantis Land S.p.A. will substitute its Lcd
monitors which might have defective pixels. For every kind of damages different from
ones indicated in those pages, warranty conditions are written in the document
“Atlantis Land Warranty – On Site”. Here following you will have:


A brief introduction to the TFT panels built technology;


ISO 13406-2 indicated defective limits;


Atlantis Land S.p.A. substitution condition terms.

3.1 TFT Technology

The Liquid Crystal Panel of a monitor is built with a file and column matrix; their
intersection point gives you a cell named PIXEL. It is possible to control every cell
brightness just right orienting every built-in Liquid Crystal. In order to obtain different
colours, three cells groups are used and they are given of different coloured filters
(red, green and blue). The word PIXEL has now a different meaning from the original
term, since the arrival of LCD Panels; it identicates the three coloured pixel union,
each one is known as SUBPIXEL. This picture shows you what written untill now:

If we put a Memory Chip (which keeps the information until the arrival of a new one) in
every cell, we can have an Active Matrix Display. This technology offers lots of
advantages considering traditional Lcds (Passive Matrix):


Better Display Visual Angle


Superior Contrast and Brightness


Absence of monitor vibrations and monitor blur

3.2 ISO 13406-2 NORM

It is very difficult to obtain panel without imperfections and with and enormous pixel
quantities for the actual TFT building technology (Table 1). This defectiveness is
strectly connected with the TFT technology nature. In order to protect End Users, the
International Standard Organization wrote the ISO 13406-2 norm. All producers are
obliged to clearly defin maximum number of detective pixels that can appear on a
panel and their typology.