Audiocontrol, Frontpeq1 freq=1.00k – AudioControl DQS User Manual
Page 20

Owner’s Enjoyment Manual
Single or Dual Channel Equalization:
After you have selected a frequency to equalize,
you must decide whether you wish to equalize the
left channel, the right channel, or both channels
simultaneously. If you are a first time user, we
suggest you equalize both channels together at
first and then individually. Use the arrow keys to
move the cursor to one of the following positions:
“L=” Equalizing on the left channel
“>o<“ Equalizing both channels simultaneously
“R=” Equalizing on the right channel
When the cursor highlights this screen, you can
now apply boost or cut, using the + and - controls,
to the frequency you selected in the previous step.
Once you have made your equalization settings,
you will want to tap the Select button, go to the
Memories screen, and save your settings in one of
the eight memory locations. Keep in mind you
have the ability to equalize your Front, Rear, and
Subwoofer/Center speakers individually.
MODE: Front PEQ1, Rear PEQ1
and S/C PEQ1
FrontPEQ1 Freq=1.00k
FrontPEQ1 Freq=1.00k
FrontPEQ1 Freq=1.00k
FrontPEQ1 Freq=1.00k
FrontPEQ1 Freq=1.00k
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Rear PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
Rear PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
Rear PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
Rear PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
Rear PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
S/C PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
S/C PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
S/C PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
S/C PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
S/C PEQ1 Freq=1.00k
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Width=1/3 Lvl= 0dB
Figure 8:
Front PEQ1 screen
Figure 9:
Rear PEQ1 screen
Figure 10:
S/C PEQ1screen
Besides having a 30-band graphic equalizer, your
DQS also has two fully-programmable parametric
bands for each pair of channels. These allow you
to select a frequency, apply boost or cut, and
change the bandwidth or “Q” of the filter.
Front PEQ1 mode allows you to set the con-
trols for the first of the front parametric equalizers
while FrontPEQ2 mode lets you change the
settings for the second parametric bands.
Freq(uency): This corner of the screen indi-
cates which frequency you are boosting or cut-