2 control port example, 1 cr1000 example program, Troubleshooting – Campbell Scientific TE525, TE525WS, and TE525MM Texas Electronics Rain Gages User Manual

Page 18: Maintenance, Control port example, Cr1000 example program

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TE525 Tipping Bucket Rain Gage

7.2.2 Control Port Example

This example measures a TE525 rain gage in millimeters. A different
multiplier would be entered (TABLE 7-3) for other units. CR1000 Example Program

'Declare Public Variables and Units

Public Rain_mm
Units Rain_mm=mm

DataTable (Rain,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,60,Min,0)
Totalize (1,Rain_mm,FP2,0)


'Main Program

Scan (1,Sec,1,0)

'For TE525MM Rain Gage use multiplier of 0.1 in PulseCount Instruction.
PulseCount (Rain_mm,1,18,2,0,.254,0)
CallTable (Rain)


8. Troubleshooting

Symptom: No Precipitation

1. Check that the sensor is wired to the Pulse Channel specified by the pulse

count instruction.

2. Verify that the Configuration Code (Switch Closure), and Multiplier and

Offset parameters for the Pulse Count instruction are correct for the
datalogger type.

3. Disconnect the sensor from the datalogger and use an ohm meter to do a

continuity check of the switch. The resistance measured at the terminal
block on the inside of the bucket between the black and white leads
should vary from infinite (switch open) when the bucket is tipped, to less
than an ohm when the bucket is balanced.

9. Maintenance

The funnel and bucket mechanism must be kept clean. Routinely check for and
remove any foreign material, dust, insects, etc. The following calibration
check is advised every 12 months.

Field Calibration Check:

(1) Secure a metal can that will hold at least one quart of water.

(2) Punch a very small hole in the bottom of the can.