2 use of two storage modules with the 21x or cr7, 1 *8 mode — cr500/510, cr23x, cr10/10x, 2 *9 mode — 21x or cr7 – Campbell Scientific SM4M/SM16M Storage Modules User Manual

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Section 2. Storing Data from Current Dataloggers


Commands directed to addresses other than #1 can be accepted only by the SM
with the correct address. Do not connect Storage Modules with the same
address to a datalogger at the same time.

If only one Storage Module is used with the datalogger, its address should be
#1. When multiple Storage Modules are used in a datalogger system, each
should be assigned its own address and set to Fill and Stop. Instruction 96 is
configured in the datalogger program to send data to Storage Module address
#1. The lowest numbered Storage Module will fill up first, followed by the
next lowest address, and so on. Alternatively, data can be sent by the
datalogger to specific Storage Modules via direct addressing by the datalogger
(using a separate Instruction 96 for each SM).

Instruction 96 can be entered multiple times in a program to sort data to
specific Storage Modules. Three important considerations are:


All Storage Modules to be used must be connected to the datalogger with
SC12 cables.


Time must be allowed between the execution of multiple instances of
Instruction 96 to Storage Modules. Add 5ms to the time it takes to store
the number of bytes to be transmitted (1ms per byte) before executing the
next Instruction 96 which addresses a different Storage Module.


Use of the keyboard or telecommunications during the execution of the
Instruction 96 may backlog the data to be sent to the Storage Modules. In
this event, during the next execution of Instruction 96 all backlogged data
will be sent to the Storage Module addressed in that instruction.

2.1.2 Use of Two Storage Modules with the 21X or CR7

For large volumes of data, two Storage Modules can be connected to the 21X
or CR7. Use SMS to set one SM as Fill and Stop, and the other as Ring

2.2 *8 and *9 Mode — Keyboard-Initiated Data


2.2.1 *8 Mode — CR500/510, CR23X, CR10/10X

The *8 Mode is used to manually initiate a Final Storage data transfer from the
datalogger to an external peripheral. Data transfer rate is 9600 baud. Refer to
the discussion of the *8 Mode in the datalogger Operator’s Manual for full

2.2.2 *9 Mode — 21X or CR7

The *9 Mode in the 21X and CR7 dataloggers is used to transfer a specified
block of data from Final Storage to the Storage Module. Consult the
appropriate datalogger manual for details.