Installation – Campbell Scientific Hydro-Wiper-C Operation Manual from Zebra-Tech User Manual

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Hydro-Wiper operation manual

Zebra-Tech Ltd



The turbidity sensor is mounted in the clamp at the front of the wiper.
Ensure that the turbidity sensor is positioned so that the flat face of
the optical window is looking directly away from the wiper, and that
the brush covers the whole face when it sweeps passed.

The brush should lightly sweep across the whole surface of the
optical window. If there is excessive brush pressure, battery life of
the Hydro-Wiper will be reduced and damage to the optical surface
of the turbidity sensor may occur.

If the brush pressure is insufficient, then contact between the brush
and optical window will be lost in the centre of the window.

Brush pressure can be adjusted by loosening the nut at the end of
the wiper arm, and rotating the wiper arm in the desired direction.
The lock nut should be tightened after adjustment.

The wiper control housing should be mounted using the marine
grade (A4,316) stainless steel bracket that is attached to the
housing. Avoid attaching the bracket directly to a metal structure that
is not marine grade stainless steel, as this can cause electrolysis and
deterioration of the metal. Marine grade stainless steel bolts should
be used for fixing.

Once the wiper control housing and wiper housing are mounted,
secure the cable using cable ties to avoid possible snags and fouling
with debris. The cable should not be free to constantly move with the
water currents, as fatigue and eventual failure may result.