Chatsworth Products Electronic Lock Kits System1500 User Manual

Electronic lock kit system 1500, Programming guide

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Electronic Lock Kit System 1500

IIS-739228, 11/25/13, Rev. 1, CPI/D.KNAPP
800-834-4969 (USA & Canada) • • [email protected]

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Programming Guide

The Electronic Lock Kit System 1500 includes a programmable, stand alone,
battery-powered replacement door lock with an integrated 12-digit keypad. The
handle stores twenty-two access codes with three different programming rights.

The Electronic Lock Kit System 1500 should provide approximately 50,000
openings of 4 seconds each from each new set of 2 x 3V CR2450 coin batteries.

When the battery power is low the Red LED will flash 3 times before the Blue
LED flashes to signal acceptance of an access code. Batteries should be
changed as soon as this happens.

If battery power fails, use an external 9V PP3 battery to open the lock.
• Place the contact points of the 9V PP3 battery against the contact points

surrounding the Red LED (+) and Blue LED (-).

• Enter the Master Code.
• The lock will open.
• Fit new batteries by removing the rear-fixing screw and swinging the lock down

and over the edge of the door. The battery compartment is on the back of the
lock. Replace the batteries and secure the handle.

• Remove the rear-fixing screw and swing the lock assembly over the edge of

the door to reveal the battery compartment.

• Remove both batteries.
• Press and hold the 1 button, replace one battery, the Blue LED will flash and

beep twice. Release the 1 button and within three seconds press the star (*)
button three times.

• The blue LED will flash and beep twice and the lock will revert to the factory

master code 11 22 33 44 and user code 12 34. All other stored settings will be

• Replace the second battery and secure the handle.
• NOTE: To reset only the Master Code an retain all other settings follow the

procedure above, but press the 0 button instead of the 1 and (*) buttons.

Master Code (8-digits, 1 per lock) can:
• Open the lock
• Change the Master Code
• Set/Change/Delete the Sub-Master Code
• Set/Change/Suspend/Restore User Codes
• Set or cancel Dual Code Mode
• Disable or enable audible keypad

Sub-Master Code (8-digits, 1 per lock) can:
• Open the lock
• Change the Sub-Master Code
• Set/Change/Suspend/Restore User Codes
• Disable or enable audible keypad

User Code (4-digits, 20 per lock) can:
• Open the lock
• Change the User Code

Be sure to change the Factory Set Master
Code and User Code (right) to unique codes
for your cabinets – see pages 2 & 3.

Factory Set Codes:
Master Code: 11 22 33 44
User Code: 12 34

Enter the Master Code or the User Code. The Blue LED will flash and the lock will
open allowing the handle to be turned to unlatch the door. 4 seconds open time.

Entering three incorrect codes will cause the lock to shut down for 10 seconds.