Operator, and operating area safety, Burr king mfg. co., inc – Burr King Model 20 User Manual

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February 2005


Subject equipment includes Grinders, buffers, polishers, and other rotating equipment. Serious injury
or death may occur if minimum safety precautions are not understood, and obeyed by operators and
those other persons who may be in the immediate vicinity of the subject equipment. Persons who
operate, or are in the immediate vicinity of the subject equipment must be properly trained in, and
use, minimum safety precautions and procedures for such machinery.

Minimum safety requirements to operate, or work in the immediate vicinity subject equipment:
1. Read and understand all operating instructions, manuals, labels, and other information provided with the
2. Install the equipment according to manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Securely bolt the equipment to a rigid, structurally sound mounting surface.
4. Use and wear proper eye and face protection.
5. Use and wear proper protection for the body, hands, fingers, feet, and legs.
6. Review and understand all machine guards, adjustments, and points of exposure to potential injury.
7. Do not remove, tamper with, or otherwise alter, equipment guards, and other safety features.
8. Insure the machine is adjusted, and remains adjusted according to manufacture’s requirements.
9. Maintain the equipment in good operating condition.
10. Have another person who is knowledgeable in proper and safe operation of the subject equipment
demonstrate proper and safe operation to all operators, and to those persons who might be in the immediate
vicinity of the subject equipment.
11. Use work piece holding devices when ever possible that diminish the possibility that persons will come
in contact with moving machine pieces, or spark/debris output from the machine.
12. Use spark and debris arresting apparatus. Such apparatus should be connected to the machine so as to
contain dust and debris that is generated, and to suppress sparks thereby limiting human inhalation risk, and
the risk of fire or explosion.
13. Use appropriate inhalation apparatus to protect person from ingestion and/or inhalation of sparks, debris,
smoke, particulates, etc.
14. Avoid mixing different metals, alloys, and materials. To mix such materials might create a fire or
explosion hazard.
15. Protect persons from work pieces, particulates, etc. that could be forcibly ejected from the machine. For
example, a buffing wheel or grinding belt can “grab” a work piece while the work piece is being buffed,
polished, ground, or otherwise conditioned, resulting in forcible ejection toward the operator or those in the
vicinity of the machine. The use of leather aprons, gloves, and eye shields are examples of protective gear
that may be effective. In general do not grind, buff, or otherwise engage the traveling belt, wheel, or disc
surface with the work piece pointing into the direction from which the belt, wheel, or disc is traveling.
However, if you choose to do so be aware the work piece may lodge in the traveling belt, wheel, or disc and
be forcibly, and dangerously ejected.
16. Do not operate this machine if the gap (nip point) between a moving belt, wheel or disc and the work
support surface exceeds 1/8 inch.
17. Do not operate this machine if the gap between the moving abrasive belt, disc or wheel and the adjacent




