Phottix Strato User Manual
Page 5

6. Turning receiver on/off
To turn on the Phottix Strato Recevier– move
the power switch to the “ON” position.
To turn off the Phottix Strato Recevier - move
the power switch to the “OFF” position.
7. Setting Channels
The Phottix Strato has four channel settings.
Move the Channel Selector Switch to 1, 2, 3, or 4
to select a channel.
Make sure Phottix Strato transmitters and re-
ceivers are set to the same channel.
8. Fire All Channels Switch
To fire all flashes or strobes on different chan-
nels move the Fire All Channels Switch on the
transmitter to the ON position.
All nearby Strato receivers will fire flashes/
strobes, or trigger connected camera shutters.
9. Connecting to the camera hot shoe
Turn off the camera.
Slide the Strato transmitter into the camera’s
hot shoe mount.
Turn the Strato locking ring until tight.
Turn on the camera and set the shooting mode.
10. Connecting to the camera sync
port by 3.5mm Sync cable (included)
The Strato Transmitter can also be attached to a
camera’s PC Sync port if you do not wish to use
the hot shoe. Turn off the camera.
Connect a cable to Strato transmitter 3.5mm
port. Connect the opposite end of the cable to
the camera’s PC Sync Port.
Turn on the camera.