American Audio Q-SPAND User Manual
Page 6

5. SOURCE SELECTOR SWITCH - These are two-position switches. The switches are used to select
the input source assigned to each channel. Each channel may only be assigned one input source at a
6. CHANNEL GAIN CONTROL - This adjustment is used to adjust an audio source signal input gain
for a channel. Never use the gain control to adjust output volume. Setting the gain level properly will
ensure a clean output signal. An improper gain level adjustment will send a distorted signal throughout
the entire audio line. To properly set the gain level control:
1. Be sure the Master Volume Control (26) is set to level 8.
2. Set the Channel Fader (9) to level 8.
3. Begin play on an audio source connected to the channel you are adjusting.
4. Use the Gain Control to adjust an average output volume of +4 dB in the LED Level
Indicator (15).
5. Repeat this step for all channels
7. CHANNEL TREBLE CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the treble levels of channels one
through four, with a maximum signal gain of 15dB or maximum signal decrease of -30dB. Turning the
knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of treble applied to the source signal,
turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of treble applied to source signal.
8. CHANNEL MIDRANGE CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the midrange levels of channels one
through four, with a maximum signal gain of 15dB or maximum signal decrease of -30dB. Turning the
knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of treble applied to the source signal,
turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of treble applied to source signal.
9. CHANNEL VOLUME FADER - These faders are used to control the output signal of any source
assigned to its particular channel. However, master volume is controlled by the Master Volume Con-
trol (26).
10. CUE SELECTOR BUTTON - These buttons are used to activate a channels “CUE” mode. A red LED
next to the Cue button will glow when a channels cue mode is activated. Cue mode will send a channels
incoming signal to the headphones. The cue level is adjusted by the Cue Level Knob (27). Be sure the
Cue Mixing Knob (25) is turned to the “CUE” position to hear the selected channel source.
11. MASTER OUTPUT BALANCE CONTROL - Used to adjust how much of the signal is sent to the left
and right output level. For true stereo imaging, maintain the knob in the 12 o' clock position.
12. LEVEL INDICATORS - The dual LED’s indicators are used to indicate the average master output
level. The level indicators will directly refl ect the Master Volume Level (26).
13. MAIN POWER SWITCH - This is the main power ON/OFF button. A yellow LED beside the power
switch will glow indicating power is ON. Before main power is applied, be sure you have made all con-
nections to the mixer. Also be sure your amplifi er(s) is tuned off. Remember to avoid damaging pops,
mixer on fi rst and turned off last.
14. BNC JACK FOR GOOSENECK LAMP - This jack is used to connect an American Audio 12V DC
gooseneck lamp.
15. WIDTH CONTROL - This knob is used to control the amount of SRS 3D process is applied to the
output source signal.
16. 3D ST CONTROL - This button is used to activate the SRS
(Sound Retrieval System
) 3D Stereo
American Audio
- - Q-SPAND™ Instruction Manual Page 6