Operation – Hot Max Torches WP201 User Manual
Page 8
KDAR Company
Pre-Start Preparation
NOTE: The following procedures are to be
completed each time the water pump is started.
General Condition
1. Look around and underneath the pump for
signs of oil or gasoline leaks.
2. Check that all nuts, bolts, screws, hose con-
nectors and clamps are tightened.
3. Remove any excessive dirt or debris, especial-
ly around the muffler and recoil starter.
4. Look for signs of damage.
Improperly maintaining this pump, or failing to
correct a problem before operation, could cause
a malfunction that may result in serious injury.
Always perform a pre-operation inspection be-
fore each operation and correct any problem.
Suction & Discharge Hoses
1. Check the general condition of any hose that is
to be connected to the water pump and be sure
they are in serviceable condition.
Note: The suction hose must be reinforced
construction to prevent collapse.
2. Insure the sealing washer in the suction hose
connector is in good condition.
3. Check that hose connectors and clamps are
properly and securely installed.
4. Make sure the strainer is in good condition and
connected to the suction hose.
1. Check engine oil level and add if the level is
2. Check the air filter to insure it is clean and free
of obstructions.
3. Check the fuel level to insure tank is full.
Pump Placement
For best pump performance, place the pump near
the water level and use hoses that are no longer
then necessary. This will enable the pump to pro-
duce the greatest output.
As head (pumping height) increases, pump output
decreases. Maximum head specifications are show
in Table 1 on page 3. The length, type and size of
the suction and discharge hoses can also signifi-
cantly effect the pump output.
Discharge head capacity is always greater than
suctions head capacity, so it is important for the
suction head to be the shorter part of the total
Minimizing suction head (placing the pump near
the water level) is also very important for reducing
self-priming time. Self-priming time is the time it
takes the pump to bring water the distance of the
suction head during initial operation.