Hot Max Torches PW3000 User Manual
Page 3

12. Stay alert. Watch what you are doing and
use common sense when operating a
power washer. Do not use a power wash-
er while tired or under the influence of
drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment
of inattention while operating the power
washer may result in serious personal
injury or death.
13. Follow the instructions in this manual for
preparing to store a power washer. Never
store fuel near the power washer.
14. Never direct water spray toward electri-
cal wiring or directly at the power wash-
15. Never direct spray at people or animals.
16. Never let children operate the power
washer at any time.
17. Use both hands to control the wand.
18. Do not touch the nozzle or water spray
while operating.
19. Wear safety glasses during operation.
20. Use only approved hoses and nozzles.
21. All hose connections must be properly
22. Use only recommended chemicals.
23. Check the unit before each use for signs
of deterioration such as worn or porous
hose, loose or missing fittings, a dam-
aged tank or cap. Replace all defective
parts before operating the power washer.
24. The power washer should be operated,
serviced and/or refueled under the fol-
lowing conditions only.
a. Start and run the power washer out-
doors. Never run a power washer in
an enclosed area even if the win-
dows and doors are opened. Avoid
areas where exhaust vapors can be
exhaust contains carbon monoxide,
a poisonous, odorless, invisible gas
which, if breathed, may cause death
or personal injury.
KDAR Company
Good ventilation for cooling. The
power washer is air cooled and
requires appropriate air flow.
Temperatures should not exceed
104° F ambient.
Refuel the power washer in a well
ventilated area with sufficient
light. Allow the engine to cool for 3
-4 minutes before refueling. Avoid
spills and never refuel while the
power washer is running.
d. Never refuel the power washer
near open flames, sparking elec-
trical equipment or pilot lights.
e. Never start or run the power
washer without the muffler and
air filter installed and in good con-
dition as they work as flame ar-
resters in case of backfires.
f. Never smoke near the generator.
25. Do not kink the high pressure hose.
26. Do not wear lose clothing or jewelry
that could get caught in the starter or
other moving parts.
27. Be sure ice has not formed anywhere on
or in the equipment prior to starting the
engine in cold weather.
28. Place the power washer away from
cleaning site during operation.
29. Secure the locking trigger when not in
30. Never use damaged high pressure hoses.
31. Do not run the power washer for more
then 5 minutes without pulling the trig-
ger. This could damage the pump.
32. Never insert anything through the venti-
lation slots, this could cause damage to
the power washer or personal injury.
33. Drain fuel before transporting the power
34. Power washers are heavy, use proper
lifting techniques.