Operation – Hot Max Torches HM3500 User Manual
Page 9

KDAR Company
Do not exceed the maximum wattage
rating for the generator when using
one or more receptacles.
Do not exceed the amperage rating of
any one receptacle.
Do not apply heavy electrical load for
the first 2– 3 hours of operation
(break-in period).
Total Wattage Determination
To insure the generator is not overloaded and dam-
aged as a result, it is essential to know the total
watts of the connected load. The following steps
will help determine the intended load.
1. Determine what item or items you intend to
connect to the generator.
2. Check the wattage requirements for each item,
referring to the item’s nameplate. If watts are
not referenced on the nameplate they can be
calculated by multiplying amps and voltage
(amps x voltage = watts).
3. Add the wattage requirements for each item to
get the total wattage required.
4. Appliances and tools with motors will require
additional wattage at start up, usually 2 1/2 to 4
times their running wattage.
5. The generators rated running watts should
meet or exceed the watts required for the
equipment you intend to run.
6. Always connect the heavies load to the genera-
tor first, then add additional items one at a time
in order of descending wattage requirements.
For more information on calculating wattage re-
quirements see the panel on the top of the carton
this unit was shipped in or the charts in the back of
this manual.
Check the voltage and frequency require-
ments of all electronic equipment prior to
hooking it up to a generator.
Equipment could be damaged if it is not de-
signed to operate within +/- 10% voltage
variation and +/- 3 hz frequency variation
from the generator nameplate rating.
To help prevent damage, always have addi-
tional load plugged into the generator if sol-
id state equipment is used.
A power line conditioner is recommended
for some solid state appliances.
A power line conditioner is recommended when
running the following solid state items.
Appliances with digital displays
Telephone equipment
Garage door openers
Personal computers
Copy machines
Fax machines
Special isolation equipment is required for tem-
porary or permanent connections to a residen-
tial electrical system. Therefore, to avoid elec-
trocution or property damage, ONLY a trained
electrician should connect a generator to a resi-
dential electrical system.
Shutting Off the Generator
1. Disconnect the entire load.
2. Allow engine to run for 2-3 minutes without
3. Flip ON/OFF switch to the “OFF” position.
4. Make sure the generator has completely
5. Close the fuel shut off valve if the generator is
to be stored or transported.