Hot Max Torches AFP User Manual
Page 7

KDAR Company
It is important that all fittings have been tightened
with a wrench by this point. Insure the tank
valve, regulator valve handle, and torch handle
valve is turned to the off position.
Opening Valves
1. Slowly open the cylinder valve to allow gas to
flow to the regulator. Once the regulator begins to
register pressure, open the cylinder valve an addi-
tional 1 to 1 1/2 turns.
Note: This must be done slowly, as a surge of
pressure could damage the regulator diaphragm.
2. Open the regulator valve 2-3 turns (1).
3. Check for leaks at every connection point includ-
ing both sides of the regulator and both ends of
the hose. Leaks can not be seen, therefore, use
soapy water on all connection points to insure
there are no leaks.
Note: The best initial r egulator pressure setting
for Acetylene is 5 PSI and it should never be set
above 15 PSI. The best initial regulator pressure
setting for propane is 14 PSI and it should never
be set above 25 PSI.
At this point the operator should be wearing appropriate protective clothing such as
gloves and goggles. Prior to lighting the torch make sure the hoses are behind the opera-
tor and that there is no chance of them being hit by a hot spark or slag.
Lighting the Torch
1. Open the control knob on the torch handle (2) just
enough to let some gas flow.
2. Holding the striker close to the welding tip
squeeze it a few times to create the sparks re-
quired to light the gas.