VHT Tube Tester 2 User Manual
VHT Accessories for music
The VHT Tube Tester 2 provides two completely independent current-measuring tube tester
sections. Simply plug your tubes into the adapters and then plug the included 8-pin octal-based
adapters into your amp.
The two high-quality analog milliamp meters measure the tubeʼs cathode current. You can use
these measurements to observe your tubeʼs real-time dynamic performance, see how well theyʼre
matched, adjust the bias, monitor your tubeʼs performance as they age, check for unstable
conditions, and more.
Additional test-pin jacks are provided for precise digital multi-meter measurements and analog
meter calibration.
The VHT Tube Tester 2 is an affordable bench and road tool that lets you see how your output
tubes are performing in real time, and whether itʼs time for replacement or a bias adjustment, etc.
Get the most from you tubes — and amplifier — with a VHT Tube Tester 2.
Setup is easy, simply unplug your output tubes and carefully plug them into the Tube Tester 2ʼs
adapters, then plug the adapters into your tube sockets.
Pay close attention to the tubeʼs aligning guide pin, and be sure the adapters are aligned correctly
with your tube sockets. (An incorrectly installed tube or adapter can cause serious damage to
your amp and/or tubes.)
Some tubes may be a tight fit in the adapter. Tube pin diameter varies slightly between different
tube manufacturers, and sometimes there will be some excess solder on the pin. For an easier fit,
you can file-down excess solder with an ordinary fingernail file.
After the tubes and adapters have been properly secured, connect the adapterʼs banana plugs to
the meter unit.
Test-pin jacks: For precise digital measurements and analog meter calibration, plug a DMM
(digital multimeter) into the front panel test-pin jacks and set the DMM to its millivolt range; the
test-pin jacks measure the voltage drop across a 1-ohm precision cathode resistor, 1 millivolt = 1
milliamp cathode current.
You can also plug the adapterʼs banana jacks directly into a DMM (set for milliamps).
While other tube testers test your tubes externally, the truest and most relevant test is how your
tubes perform in your amplifier.
The Tube Tester 2ʼs high-quality analog meters provide a unique window into your tubeʼs
performance. Analog meters provide a much better view of your tubeʼs dynamic response than
digital meters (which are still useful for precise measurement of stable idle currents and voltages,
and also for meter calibration).
After the tubes and adapters have been installed properly, power-up the amp as usual.