Tuff Country 56071 - Toyota Tundra 07-14 6 lift kit User Manual
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some thread locker or loctite and torque both bolts 48 ft
85. Locate (4) 1/2” x 3 1/2” bolts, (8) 7/16” USS flat wash-
ers and (4) 1/2” unitorque nuts from hardware bag # 3 from
hardware box 56070NB. Also, locate the new lateral com-
pression arms with the new bushings and sleeves installed
in them. Install the new lateral compression arms to the
newly installed lateral compression arm plate using the new
1/2” x 3 1/2” bolts and hardware. Do not tighten at this
point. Now swing the new lateral compression arms for-
ward and install them into the newly installed rear cross
member using the new 1/2” x 3 1/2” bolt and hardware.
Move back to the (4) new 1/2” x 3 1/2” bolt and add some
thread locker or loctite and torque all (4) bolts to 55 ft lbs.
86. Place a hydraulic floor jack under the driver side of the
rear differential and carefully raise up on the hydraulic floor
jack until it makes contact with the rear differential.
87. Working on the driver side, remove the stock rear shock
from the stock upper and lower location. Save the stock
lower mounting hardware but the upper mounting hardware
may be discarded. The stock shock may be discarded.
Special note: New longer rear shocks are needed after
this suspension system has been installed and the rear
shocks need to be ordered as a separate part #. If you
have not already ordered your rear shocks, please feel
free to contact Tuff Country or your local Tuff Country
dealer and order your new rear shocks. Tuff Country
recommends installing a 30” fully extended nitrogen
gas shock in the rear. Repeat procedure on the passen-
ger side.
88. Working on the driver side, remove the stock e-brake
cable bracket from the rear differential. Save the stock
hardware. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
89. Working on the passenger side, loosen but do not
remove the stock rear u-bolts. We want to do this so that
we can move the rear differential forward or rearward once
we install the new rear add-a-leafs and block on the driver
90. Working on the driver side, remove and discard the
stock u-bolts and hardware. Save the stock lower u-bolt
plate and upper bump stop plate.
91. Working on the rear differential, we want to remove the
stock brake line bracket and save the stock hardware.
92. Remove the stock ABS bracket from the stock location
above the spare tires. Make sure to save the stock hard-
93. Remove the stock rear brake line brackets that con-
nects to the rear differential just to the driver and passen-
ger side of the rear pumpkin. Save the stock hardware.
94. Carefully lower down on the hydraulic floor jack enough
so that the new rear add-a-leafs and the new block can be
isntalled. Special note: Even though we have removed
all the brake line and ABS points, make sure not to over
extend or kink any brake lines or ABS lines.
95. Working on the driver side and using a pair of “C” chan-
nel vise grips, clamp the stock rear springs together. Place
one towards the front of the stock centering bolt and one
towards the rear. Special note: Make sure not to clamp
the stock over load.
96. Carefully remove the stock centering bolt from the stock
location and discard. There is a dahl that is holding the
stock over load to the stock spring pack. This dahl needs to
be removed. To do this, remove the stock over load from
the stock spring pack and remove the dahl. The dahl
maybe discarded. Set the stock over load aside.
97. Locate the new rear add-a-leafs. Also, locate the new
3/8” centering bolts and nuts from hardware bag CB38.
Working on the driver side, install the new add-a-leaf
between the stock spring and the stock overload. Secure
using the new 3/8” centering bolt and nuts. Tighten the new
centering bolt until all the springs come together and torque
to 40 ft lbs. Special note: Make sure that the hole where
the dahl was located is installed towards the rear of the
vehicle. Also, Tuff Country does not recommend using
a high speed air gun to tighten the nut all the way
down. Once the springs are starting to come together,
Tuff Country recommends using a hand wrench to fin-
ish tightening the nut. If a high speed air gun is used to
tighten the centering bolt all the way down, the center-
ing bolt may strip causing the springs to come apart.
By installing some anti-cease lubricant on the new cen-
tering bolt will also help during the installation of the
new rear add-a-leaf. Remove the “C” channel vise grips
that are holding the stock spring together.
98. Working on the driver side and using a die grinder,
carefully cut off the excess thread from the new centering