Tuff Country 36101 - Dodge 09-11 Ram 1500 (TRX) 6 kit User Manual
Page 8

45. Working on the driver side, route the Wheel Speed
Sensor wire to the mounting bracket on the knuckle as
shown in the picture. The rubber grommet on the Wheel
Speed Sensor wire must be shifted. Apply some windex on
the Wheel Speed Sensor wire and rubber grommet so that
the Wheel Speed Sensor wire will slide easily through the
rubber grommet. When satisfied with the routing, insert the
Wheel Speed Sensor and rubber grommet into the mount-
ing bracket. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
46. Working on the driver side, install the brake rotor and
caliper using the stock hardware. Make sure to use thread
locker or loctite and torque to 130 ft lbs. Repeat procedure
on the passenger side.
47. Working on the driver side, we are now going to
route/attach the Wheel Speed Sensor wire at the following
points in this order. At the rubber brake hose, at the rear leg
of the upper control am and then reconnect the Wheel
Speed Sensor wire at the quick disconnect point. Special
note: We will not be reattaching the connector to the inner
fender well. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
48. Working on the driver side apply some anti-seize to the
factory anti-sway bar link threads. Install (3) 7/16” SAE
washers per side then install the anti-sway bar link bush-
ings and hardware. Attach anti-sway bar links to anti-sway
bar body. Tighten until the bushings start to mushroom.
Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
49. Locate the new skid plate. Also, locate the (6) new 3/8”
x 1” counter sunk bolts and (6) 3/8” flange lock nuts from
hardware bag 34100NB4. Install the new skid plate to the
front and rear cross members and secure using the new
3/8” x 1” bolts and hardware. Make sure to use thread lock-
er or loctite and torque to 30 ft lbs.
50. Working on the driver side add some thread locker or
loctite to the hardware attaching the front and rear cross
member to the frame mounts. Now torque this hardware to
75 ft. lbs. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
51. Install the tires and wheel and carefully lower the vehi-
cle to the ground.
52. Move back to the lower control arm bolts and add some
thread locker or loctite and torque both the driver and pas-
senger side to 110 ft lbs.
53. Move back to the upper control arm bolts and add some
thread locker or loctite and torque both the driver and pas-
senger side to 130 ft lbs.
54. Move back to the lower strut bolt and add some thread
locker or loctite and torque both the driver and passenger
side to 155 ft lbs.
55. Block the rear tires of the vehicle so that the vehicle is
stable and can’t roll backwards. Safely lift the front of the
vehicle and support the frame with a pair of jack stands.
Place a jack stand on both the driver and the passenger
side. Now cycle the steering lock-to-lock and check then
double check to make sure that all components have prop-
er clearances. Pay close attention to brake hoses, wiring
and tire and wheel clearances. Lower vehicle to the
56. To begin installation, carefully block the front tires and
wheels so that the vehicle can not roll forward. Safely lift
the rear of the vehicle and support the vehicle with a pair of
jack stands. Place a jack stand on both the driver and the
passenger side. Next, remove the rear wheels and tires
from both sides.
57. Working on the driver the side, remove the stock shock
from the stock location. Save the stock hardware. New
longer rear shocks are needed after this suspension
system has been installed and the rear shocks need to
be ordered as a separate part #. If you have not already
ordered your rear shocks, please feel free to contact
Tuff Country or your local Tuff Country dealer and
order your rear shocks. Tuff Country recommends
installing a 30” fully extended nitrogen gas shock in
the rear. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
58. Carefully lower down on both hydraulic floor jacks at the
same allowing just enough room for the rear coil springs to
be removed. Remove both the driver and passenger side
rear coils and discard.
59. Working on the driver side, loosen but do not remove
the stock upper and lower control arms at the axle mount
location. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
60. Working on the driver side, remove the stock upper and
lower control arms from the frame mount location. Save the
stock hardware and let the control arms hang. Repeat pro-